CHECC 2019 Competition Winners


Well-known member
As the newly elected Competitions and Sponsorship officer for CHECC, it is my absolute pleasure to announce the winners from this years forum.

Fresher trip report
The winner of the trip report was Jess (AKA ladyhellfire) of the Reading uni club. A wonderful read, and what sounds like a thrilling trip, congratulations. We hope the prize of a lovely Petzl helmet will be put to good use.
Report can be found here

Photo competiton
I believe the photo speaks for itself, an absolutely stunning shot from Reading. Prize of MyFenix should be used to take more brilliant photos!
Winning image found here

Video Competition
Sadly very few entries this year, but the winner was Elise from SUSS, for the next instalment of her documentary series "Deep Down Under." Sadly cannot be shared here, but her youtube channel has the first series on it. The prize this year, a lovely AV tacklesack.

200 Metres of rope
This competition, sponsored by the amazing UKCaving and the wonderful Spanset, was to nominate a club that deserved 200m of rope. The prize is fairly self explanatory. The winner of this competition was Plymouth, though there were many worthy entries.
Original competition thread

What would your club do with ?75?
Another interesting competition, this time sponsored by the BCA, worthily won by Kent, as they needed to replace some lost kit.
Original Thread

Our club
Always a pleasure to read, the our club competition is entered detailing the adventures of student cavers over the past year. Many clubs enter, and a real insight into student caving can be had with this. The prize this year was ?75, again from the BCA. The winner was Kent once again, for a massively detailed report, and some very interesting stuff going on there.
Original Thread

National Geographic article
A lovely little competition, to write a caving article fit for the above mentioned magazine. Prize, a years subscription! A stunning mock up done by Aberystwyth sealed the deal. I highly recommend giving the articles entered a read, they are a good way to spend a half hour.
Original Thread

BEC letting advert
Simply advertise the famous mendip institution using a letting agents style advert. The winner would receive hut nights at the very same establishment, and Ben from NUCC entered and won, well worth a read.
Original Thread

Making Friends
A slightly different competition this time, voted on at the forum itself. clubs could be put forward to win hut nights at the YSS in Yorkshire. The idea being that the club who needed it most would get it. Though several clubs were put forward, the eventual winners were Swansea, a relatively new club that could do with getting up to Yorkshire. I hope they enjoy their lovely prize!

Dankness below meme competition
Oh boy. The most entered competition. The youth of today constantly amaze me. The winner however was Joe Seddon of the swansea for his wonderful use of a motion picture meme (new fangled technology, I know). Sponsored by Dankness below.
The Meme competition can be found on the CHECC facebook page.

We now get on to some competitions hosted at the forum itself, mostly caving games.

Squeeze machine
A classic needing no introduction. this year the competition was stiff with some people pushing themselves possibly too far. some honourable attempts were made, but eventually Eve from NUCC was crowned the victor. A small AV tacklesack and a BCRA were the reward for their efforts.

Pan and sling
I was personally overseeing the pan and sling competition, and it was an interesting one. Some rather unorthodox techniques were used by Dublin and Bristol, though in the end, four teams seemed tied. We decided to settle it with a time trial, and Imperial eventually won.

Body Traversing
This drew a large crowd, and they were very rowdy. Many clubs entered, but only one could win. This was Plymouth, congratulations on their effort.

Always interesting to see people running around in costume at the forum. This year the best club costume went to SUSS for their plant based costumes.

Best individual costume
One costume definitely stood out above all the rest, possibly due to the height of the person wearing it. Ben from NUCC drew eyes and wolf whistles from everywhere with his stunning wedding dress, and won himself membership to the BEC in the process. Maybe he can cash in his hut nights there now!

Grand Prize
And finally, the grand prize, the ultimate caving club of the year award, the coveted accolade among student cavers. But who would win themselves the prize? The prize was grand, consisting of toughtags, a ladder courtesy of Starless River, Hut nights at both the Shepton and the Chelsea, books from both the CNCC and BCRA, a copy of northern caves, and a harness and tackle sack courtesy of AV. The winner of this wonderful bounty was NUCC, a well earned title.

Thus, my post comes to an end. Many thanks once again to all of our amazing sponsors, and congratulations to all of the winners. Til next year!



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New member
Just wanted to write a massive thank you on behalf of KUCC to CHECC and the BCA for this amazing opportunity! This is going to help our club so much so a big thank you! We will keep you updated  :)