• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

    The latest issue is finally complete and printed

    Subscribers should have received their issue in the post - please let us know if you haven't. For everyone else, the online version is now available for free download:

    Click here for download link

Cooperative Society 'Local Causes' Charity Funding


CRO have been lucky enough to be chosen as a 'local cause by the Cooperative store based in Ingleton and to benefit from the Co-op local community fund. If you live in the area local to Ingleton  (broadly, those within the Settle, Bentham, Burton and Wray area) you can select CRO to benefit from the donation which the Coop make on their own brand items.

You need to be a cooperative Society member to participate, which costs a ?1 enrolment fee, but once signed up you can nominate your favourite local cause to receive 1% of everything you spend on Co-op goods and services in store. This year we are hoping to raise enough money to buy some new portable task lighting which will enable us to properly illuminate rescue scenes without the need to carry generators and heavy lighting units onto the hill.

If you are able to spare a pound and ten minutes to enrol and nominate us, we'd be incredibly grateful.
