European speleological events


Well-known member
Despite not having got the Vercors 2008 event out of the way yet, the FSUE are already thinking ahead to the next European cavers' meeting. I've received the following from Olivier Vidal over the weekend:

Olivier Vidal said:
Dear Speleological Colleagues,
As in 2005, when the FSUE decided the launching of the new European annual gatherings of all cavers in Europe : the "EuroSpeleo Forums", we have the pleasure to send you attached this official call for the organisation for the next 3 editions of this European meeting for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011.

As a reminder the 3 fist editions have been :
2006 - Speleological World Games (Sevilla - Spain)
2007 - Baltic Speleological Congress (Visby - Sweden)
2008 - IVth European Speleological Congress (Lans-en-Vercors - France)

We are looking for your applications and proposals for one of the 3 coming years to be sent on the attached form to :
<> before the 10th of August 2008 so that we can discuss about them during next FSUE General Assembly that will be held on the 26th of August at the European Congress "Vercors 2008" (point 17 of the XGAM Agenda).

Should you have any questions, please let us know,
Looking forward your applications for next EuroSpeleo Forum editions,
Kind Regards,

for the FSUE Bureau,
Olivier Vidal
Secr.General FSUE

The UK participation in or organisation of a European event will not come about as the result of the activities of BCA or BCRA Councils. If they happen at all it will be because a few individuals decide that they want to make them happen, although I am sure that BCA and BCRA will be happy to support anyone who wants to organise something so long as it does not clash with other events. Please contact me or another member of BCA Council if you think you'd like to organise something. It does not need to be as grand as the Vercors 2008 event (or even Hidden Earth) to still be a success.



Well-known member
Don't see why not, but I think it would need to be something which had a bit more of a European emphasis and was organised with cavers from the continent in mind rather than simply inviting them to the normal HE activities. 

(Not that there's any harm at all in trying to encourage more European cavers to attend HE, just that if the event is to be supported by FSUE it will need to be a bit more focussed on FSUE than HE usually manages.)


Les W

Active member
It would be good to know what a FSUE focus would entail.
Unfortunately I will not be going to the event in the Vercours so I won't get to see for myself.


Well-known member
At its simplest, I think it probably means inviting some European cavers to come and make presentations.

If you really want to consider this seriously, then a chat with Ged Campion or Andy Eavis is probably the best next step. I won't be going to Vercors 2008 either - I'm going to Assynt with my family instead.
