• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Filming on Mendip


Active member
Just had a call from my Uncle who works for a production company, to cut a long story short they are wanting to make a TV commercial that requires filming someone (sadly not me :( ) caving.

Basically the cave needs to look like a "cave" and be fairly acsessable to the film crew and kit, baring in mind they are not undergroud people, now Iam thinking Goatchurch as the obvious choice or maybe GB if they are feeling adventurous.

Any thoughts ?

Also would the CSCC have any issue's with this ? they will offer a donation £££££ to the MRO if any of the filming causes dissruption, which i would of thought would be minimal as it would take place mid week in the day.

Any advise ...............

Based on my experience of filming in Mendip caves I would suggest contacting Cheddar Caves (01934 742343). Gough's Cave is the most ideal location you could hope to find; it provides a superb variety of passage types with the bonus of extremely easy access. Of course it doesn't come for free but you will need to discuss that with the management.
The new Secret Underground series of four programmes is schedule for broadcast on the HTV region; first programme showing on 23 February. I will have full details this Friday and will post the information.

Avelines Hole (but not the very rear section) would be very suitable for the filming project -

Only 10 feet from the road - so not a long carry in.
Do not get too dirty.
Close to the Burrington Cafe (it has a Bar)

However it does depend upon what type of caving they wish to film - do you have any more details?
I think they just want a very basic caving overview, just someone wriggling about abit, nothing too technical or pretty formations.

My uncle is coming upto Mendip on Saturday, so i will give him a guided tour and let him decide.

CSCC would have very few problems with this, I am sure, but the landowners would have a few more. Filming in G.B. would require the express permission of CCC Ltd and any of the Burrington options would require approval as well.

I have experience of overseeing such things in both these areas and can liaise with the relevant landowners.

Aveline's is definitely not suitable. It is way too close to the road & therefore way too noisy when the lorries go past & can be dangerous to access with heavy kit from the car park.
I doubt if Gough's Cave is suitable because in this day and age we charge a commercial fee of about £100 per hour, filming can only take place after opening hours, and a member of staff has to be present at all times.
Blimey! - that means that after they've deducted the cost of staffing the place, they're only left with £100 per hour.
Stupot said:
... bearing in mind they are not undergroud people, ... or maybe GB if they are feeling adventurous.

Should have made this point earlier. Novices are, as is well known, not allowed in G.B.
cap 'n chris said:
Blimey! - that means that after they've deducted the cost of staffing the place, they're only left with £100 per hour.

Doesn't Mr Castle pay for the privilege of working there?
Showed them around Mendip today, GB was a silly ideal and is off the list, as they have a 42kg camera + other heavy kit :shock:

They really liked Goatchurch as it had everything they required, although they asked me whether they could write on the walls, to which i replied "No f'ing way, you do that and we all die horrible death" so that bit is going to be done in a studio.

I have been informed that it's for a Capatial One credit card advert where they basically portray a man doing Caving, Diving, and Motor Cross, stating that it's just not "ordinary" people who have credit cards, it was the interest rates they wanted to put on the walls !!!!

There is also a considerable budget for location fee's, so this may go to the MRO.


When i know dates etc, could i take you up on the offer of arranging with landowner, this would be much appreciated.

Watch this space.
