Help need giving T Pot's Berger book to a NHS worker


Staff member
Hi All,

T Pot already has a copy of the Berger book and sent me the following message:

Have you any contact with a doctor, nurse, anaesthetist,
ambulance driver, front line emergency worker etc. whom is a caver?
If so make it a gift from myself to whomever you choose.
A little distraction in perusing the book may bring a little happiness in these trying times.

This is a lovely gesture.

Please PM me if the above applies to you or you know someone to whom it applies and I will send the book to the first nomination I receive, thank you, Pegasus  :)


Staff member
Hello All, blimey there is a lot of love out there for caves working in the NHS (course there is...).

Thanks for the many nominations - I will hopefully get the book (and a few more as we have some) out to caving NHS workers asap.

..and if anyone tells you cavers don't read UKC, that is fake news  ;)

cap n chris

Well-known member
Pegasus said:
..and if anyone tells you cavers don't read UKC, that is fake news  ;)

The only cavers that don't read UKC are the ones that can't read; they just look at the pretty pictures and grunt while practising holding a key 'twixt finger and thumb (assuming they possess opposable digits). ;-)


Staff member
Very pleased to say an ambulance driver who is also a caver was chuffed to be offered T Pot's copy of the Berger Book - I'll post it next week.  ;)

We had one more copy which I'm also in the process of giving away...



Staff member
That's all our remaining Berger Books given out now  ;)

Thanks for all the nominations, thanks to T Pot for the idea and many thanks to Mark Wright who gave UKC lots of Berger books to give away in various competitions  (y) (y) (y)

Mark Wright

Well-known member
The few Berger books that are still available can be purchased from Inglesport and Starless River.

Thanks to everyone who supported the project resulting in over ?17K being donated to some excellent causes.
