• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Journals New in February 2022


Acta Carsologica,Slovenia,Slovenian Academy Of Sciences And Arts,50,2-3,2021
Bollettino informativo del Gruppo speleologico bolognese, C.A.I.,SottoTerra,Italy,Gruppo Speleologico Bolognese;Club Alpino Italiano,152,Jan-Jun,2021
Bulletin of the Federation Francaise De Speleologie,Spelunca,France,Federation Francaise De Speleologie,,164,Dec,2021
Bulletin of the National Speleological Society,Journal of Caves and Karst Studies,USA,83,4,Dec,2021
Bulletin of the Union Belge De Speleologue,Regards,Belgium,Union Belge De Speleologue,91,2021
Cave and Karst Science,UK,British Caving Association,48,3,Dec,2021
Cave Diving Group Newsletter,UK,British Caving Association,222,Jan,2022
Chelsea Spelaeological Society Newsletter,UK,Chelsea Spelaeological Society,62,10/12,Oct/Nov/Dec,2020
Chelsea Spelaeological Society Newsletter,UK,Chelsea Spelaeological Society,63,7-9,Jul-Sep,2021
Descent,UK,Wild Places,284,Feb-Mar,2022
Eco Karst,Commission Wallonne D'Etude & Protenction des Sites Souterrains,126,Dec,2021
Journal of the Australian Speleological Federation Inc,Caves Australia,Australia,Australian Speleological Federation,218,Dec,2021
Journal of the Speleological Society Of Japan,Japan,44,Dec,2019
Journal of the Speleological Society Of Japan,Japan,45,Dec,2020
Journal of the Speleological Society Of Japan,The Caving Journal,Japan,68,Apr,2020
Journal of the Speleological Society Of Japan,The Caving Journal,Japan,69,Aug,2020
Journal of the Speleological Society Of Japan,The Caving Journal,Japan,70,Dec,2020
Journal of the Speleological Society Of Japan,The Caving Journal,Japan,71,Apr,2021
Journal of the Wessex Cave Club,UK,Wessex Cave Club,36,357,Dec,2021
Laichinger Hohlenfreund,Germany,Hohlen und Heimatverein Laichinger,56,2021
Munibe (Ciencias Naturales)Natur Zientzuak,Spain,Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi,69,2021
Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia,,Spain,Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi,72,2021
Norsk Grotteblad,Norway,Norwegian Speleological Society,77,Dec,2021
NSS News,USA,80,1,Jan,2022
NSS News,USA,80,2,Feb,2022
Organ Sveriges Speleolog Furbund,Grottan,Sweden,Sveriges Speleolog Furbund,56,3,Sep,2021
Organ Sveriges Speleolog Furbund,Grottan,Sweden,Sveriges Speleolog Furbund,56,1,Mar,2021
Organ Sveriges Speleolog Furbund,Grottan,Sweden,Sveriges Speleolog Furbund,56,4,Dec,2021
Quarterly Newsletter Of The Cave Research Foundation,USA,50,1,Feb,2022
RRCPC Newsletter,UK,Red Rose Cave and Pothole Club,58,2,Dec,2021
Slovensky Kras,Slovakia,58,1,2020
Slovensky Kras,Slovakia,58,2,2020
VVS ,Spelerpes,Belgium,Verbond van Vlaamse Speleologen,Dec,2021
Yorkshire Ramblers Club Journal,UK,Yorkshire Ramblers Club,14,4,2021
I collect the post once a month so it depends on what has arrived on the day I fetch it. YCC is on its way.