Kendal Caving Club - Journals now available


Active member
We've just published all the (known) historic KCC journals we have on our site now:

Many thanks to the older members who've been happy to allow their work to be made available, and who put a lot of hard work into creating them back in t'day.

Some highlights that might interest people:
Boreham Cave - Journals 7 and 8
Beyond the Rowten Sumps - Journal 8
Discovery of the Tate Galleries in Lost Johns - Journal 10
Discovery of the Pleasure Dome extensions in New Rift Pot - Journal 10
Norwegian Expeditions, Dave Heap etc. - various journals
Haytime Hole discovery - Journal 9

All have been run through OCR (to make the text selectable/searchable) with mixed results, particularly on the older journals.



Well-known member
Thanks for completing that great labour, Snebbit!
I had to laugh that in Journal 1, dated July 1963, Dave Heap is already lamenting the passing of the 'Old Days', a mere 6 years after the club's formation. Plus ça change...
And his quick survey of 'unfinished business' in the dales makes interesting reading:
"Juniper Gulf and the Allotment Pots as yet have no known master cave. The vast system which must lie between Brants Gill Head and the separate networks of its feeders, including Hunt and Penyghent Pots and Gingling Hole on Fountains Fell, has not been entered. The big question mark at the end of Marathon Series in Mossdale (700 fect above Black Keld) has not been erased. Nor has anyone yet made the tantalising connexion between Long Kin West and Moses! Well, 800 feet lower, which would give Yorkshire's deepest system.
In the outlying areas, digging continues; one particularly interesting prospect is that of a system between Crackpot Cave and its sinks, including our abandoned dig at Shooting Palace Pot.