Active member
1) 3rd International Planetary Caves Conference, 18-21 February 2020 (San Antonio, Texas, USA), https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/3rdcaves2020/.
2) International Congress: 80th Anniversary of the Cuban Speleological Society, 19-23 February 2020 (Caibari?n, Villa Clara, Cuba), for information contact congreso80aniv.sec@gmail.com
3) Workshop on Surveying Caves with the Disto X, 28 February 2020 (Vi?ales, Cuba), for information contact boligan@gmail.com or anthroscr@gmail.com
4) 16th Multidisciplinary Conference on the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, 20-24 April 2020 (San Juan, Puerto Rico), www.sinkholeconference.com
5) ALCADI 2020: International Symposium on History of Speleology and Karstology (ALps, CArpathians and DInarides), 30 April - 3 May 2020 (Gorizia, Italy), contact: seppenhofer@libero.it
6) 23rd Conference of the Australasian Cave and Karst Management Association, 3-8 May 2020 (Jenolan Caves, New South Wales, Australia), www.ackma.org.
7) 9th International Workshop on Ice Caves (IWIC-IX) & the 12th Scientific Conference Research, Utilization and Protection of Caves, 12-15 May 2020 (Liptovsk? Mikul?, Slovakia), http://www.ssj.sk/en/akcia/18-12th-scientific-conference-research-protection-and-utilization-of-caves
8) US Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Meeting, 13-14 May 2020 (Nashville, Tennessee), https://www.usgs.gov/mission-areas/water-resources/science/karst-interest-group-kig-2020-workshop?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects
9) North-Central Geological Society of America Meeting Karst Session, 18-19 May 2020 (Duluth, Minnesota, USA), www.geosociety.org/GSA/Events/Section_Meetings/GSA/...
10) KARSYS Karst Modeling Course, 20 May 2020 (Reston, Virginia, USA), register with dhdoctor@usgs.gov; 22 May 2020 (Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA), register with katarina.kosic@dcr.virginia.gov; general information: https://www.visualkarsys.com/.
11) UNESCOkarst 2020: Conservation of Fragile Karst Resources, 18-22 May 2020 (Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA), https://unescokarst2020.com/
12) 7th International Course Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers (CEKA), 12-20 June 2020 (Montenegro: ?abljak-Durmitor Mt., Virpazar-Skadar Lake, and Bosnia and Herzegovina: Trebinje), http://www.karst.edu.rs.
13) 14th International Symposium on Pseudokarst, June 2020 (?wi?tokrzyskie [Holy Cross] Mountains, Poland), https://14pseudokarst.wonders4you.com/
14) Karst Field Studies Program (4 one-week courses), 7 June ? 10 July 2020 (Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, USA), www.karstfieldstudies.com.
15) International Course and Field Seminar: Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers, 11-20 June 2020 (?abljak-Durmitor Mt., Virpazar-Skadar Lake in Montenegro, and in Trebinje in Bosnia & Herzegovina), http://www.karst.edu.rs.
16) 28th International Karstological School ?Classical Karst?: Regional Karstology - Local and General Aspects, 15-19 June 2020 (Postojna, Slovenia), https://iks.zrc-sazu.si/en/
17) 1st Karst Science Forum, 24-27 June 2020 (Bucharest, Romania), https://www.eris100.ro.
18) 25th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, 28 June ? 4 July 2020 (Alba Iulia, Romania), https://www.25icsb.com/
19) 14th Balkan Cavers?, 2-5 July 2020 (Dryanovo Town, Bulgaria), http://balkancaverscamp.weebly.com/
20) Karst Record IX (KR9) Conference, 12-15 July 2019 (Innsbruck, Austria), https://www.uibk.ac.at/congress/kr9/
21) US National Speleological Society Annual Convention, 27-31 July 2020 (Elkins, West Virginia, USA), https://caves.regfox.com/nss-convention-2020
22) 14th EuroSpeleo Forum 2020, 31 July ? 2 August 2020 (Burgos, Spain), https://congresointernacionalespeleologia2020.blogspot.com/
23) International Training Camp for Young Speleologists: Germany, 1-15 August 2020 (Schw?bische Alb [Swabian Jura], South Germany), https://www.juhoefola.de/english.html.
24) Carbonate Critical Zone: An NSF-Sponsored Workshop, 2-5 August 2020 (Philadelphia and central Pennsylvania), https://carbonatecriticalzone.research.ufl.edu/
25) 34th International Geographical Congress karst sessions: Global Karst Critical Zone and Land Use Planning in Karst, 17-20 August 2020 (Istanbul, Turkey), https://www.igc2020.org/en/KARST%20COMMISSION.html
26) 19th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, 29 August ? 5 September 2020 (Catania, Italy), http://www.19isvetna.com/
27) 6th EuroSpeleo Protection Symposium, 22 - 26 September 2020 (Isle of Vilm, Germany), contact symposium@eurospeleo.org
28) 26th International Cave Bear Symposium, 8-11 October 2020 (Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim, Germany), doris.doeppes@mannheim.de.
29) Geological Society of America Convention, 25-28 October 2020 (Montr?al, Qu?bec, Canada), http://www.geosociety.org/
30) EuroKarst 2021: The European Congress on Karst Hydrogeology and Carbonate Reservoirs, 22-24 June 2021 (M?laga, Spain), http://www.eurokarst.org/
31) 18th International Congress of Speleology, 25 July ? 1 August 2021 (Savoie Technolac, Le Bourget du Lac, Savoie, France), http://uis2021.speleos.fr/
32) SpeleoKamaraton, 29 October ? 1 November 2021 (Marina di Camerota, Salerno, Italy), http://www.speleokamaraton.eu/
2) International Congress: 80th Anniversary of the Cuban Speleological Society, 19-23 February 2020 (Caibari?n, Villa Clara, Cuba), for information contact congreso80aniv.sec@gmail.com
3) Workshop on Surveying Caves with the Disto X, 28 February 2020 (Vi?ales, Cuba), for information contact boligan@gmail.com or anthroscr@gmail.com
4) 16th Multidisciplinary Conference on the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, 20-24 April 2020 (San Juan, Puerto Rico), www.sinkholeconference.com
5) ALCADI 2020: International Symposium on History of Speleology and Karstology (ALps, CArpathians and DInarides), 30 April - 3 May 2020 (Gorizia, Italy), contact: seppenhofer@libero.it
6) 23rd Conference of the Australasian Cave and Karst Management Association, 3-8 May 2020 (Jenolan Caves, New South Wales, Australia), www.ackma.org.
7) 9th International Workshop on Ice Caves (IWIC-IX) & the 12th Scientific Conference Research, Utilization and Protection of Caves, 12-15 May 2020 (Liptovsk? Mikul?, Slovakia), http://www.ssj.sk/en/akcia/18-12th-scientific-conference-research-protection-and-utilization-of-caves
8) US Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Meeting, 13-14 May 2020 (Nashville, Tennessee), https://www.usgs.gov/mission-areas/water-resources/science/karst-interest-group-kig-2020-workshop?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects
9) North-Central Geological Society of America Meeting Karst Session, 18-19 May 2020 (Duluth, Minnesota, USA), www.geosociety.org/GSA/Events/Section_Meetings/GSA/...
10) KARSYS Karst Modeling Course, 20 May 2020 (Reston, Virginia, USA), register with dhdoctor@usgs.gov; 22 May 2020 (Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA), register with katarina.kosic@dcr.virginia.gov; general information: https://www.visualkarsys.com/.
11) UNESCOkarst 2020: Conservation of Fragile Karst Resources, 18-22 May 2020 (Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA), https://unescokarst2020.com/
12) 7th International Course Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers (CEKA), 12-20 June 2020 (Montenegro: ?abljak-Durmitor Mt., Virpazar-Skadar Lake, and Bosnia and Herzegovina: Trebinje), http://www.karst.edu.rs.
13) 14th International Symposium on Pseudokarst, June 2020 (?wi?tokrzyskie [Holy Cross] Mountains, Poland), https://14pseudokarst.wonders4you.com/
14) Karst Field Studies Program (4 one-week courses), 7 June ? 10 July 2020 (Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, USA), www.karstfieldstudies.com.
15) International Course and Field Seminar: Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers, 11-20 June 2020 (?abljak-Durmitor Mt., Virpazar-Skadar Lake in Montenegro, and in Trebinje in Bosnia & Herzegovina), http://www.karst.edu.rs.
16) 28th International Karstological School ?Classical Karst?: Regional Karstology - Local and General Aspects, 15-19 June 2020 (Postojna, Slovenia), https://iks.zrc-sazu.si/en/
17) 1st Karst Science Forum, 24-27 June 2020 (Bucharest, Romania), https://www.eris100.ro.
18) 25th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, 28 June ? 4 July 2020 (Alba Iulia, Romania), https://www.25icsb.com/
19) 14th Balkan Cavers?, 2-5 July 2020 (Dryanovo Town, Bulgaria), http://balkancaverscamp.weebly.com/
20) Karst Record IX (KR9) Conference, 12-15 July 2019 (Innsbruck, Austria), https://www.uibk.ac.at/congress/kr9/
21) US National Speleological Society Annual Convention, 27-31 July 2020 (Elkins, West Virginia, USA), https://caves.regfox.com/nss-convention-2020
22) 14th EuroSpeleo Forum 2020, 31 July ? 2 August 2020 (Burgos, Spain), https://congresointernacionalespeleologia2020.blogspot.com/
23) International Training Camp for Young Speleologists: Germany, 1-15 August 2020 (Schw?bische Alb [Swabian Jura], South Germany), https://www.juhoefola.de/english.html.
24) Carbonate Critical Zone: An NSF-Sponsored Workshop, 2-5 August 2020 (Philadelphia and central Pennsylvania), https://carbonatecriticalzone.research.ufl.edu/
25) 34th International Geographical Congress karst sessions: Global Karst Critical Zone and Land Use Planning in Karst, 17-20 August 2020 (Istanbul, Turkey), https://www.igc2020.org/en/KARST%20COMMISSION.html
26) 19th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, 29 August ? 5 September 2020 (Catania, Italy), http://www.19isvetna.com/
27) 6th EuroSpeleo Protection Symposium, 22 - 26 September 2020 (Isle of Vilm, Germany), contact symposium@eurospeleo.org
28) 26th International Cave Bear Symposium, 8-11 October 2020 (Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim, Germany), doris.doeppes@mannheim.de.
29) Geological Society of America Convention, 25-28 October 2020 (Montr?al, Qu?bec, Canada), http://www.geosociety.org/
30) EuroKarst 2021: The European Congress on Karst Hydrogeology and Carbonate Reservoirs, 22-24 June 2021 (M?laga, Spain), http://www.eurokarst.org/
31) 18th International Congress of Speleology, 25 July ? 1 August 2021 (Savoie Technolac, Le Bourget du Lac, Savoie, France), http://uis2021.speleos.fr/
32) SpeleoKamaraton, 29 October ? 1 November 2021 (Marina di Camerota, Salerno, Italy), http://www.speleokamaraton.eu/