• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

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Llangattock history - request for help

David Rose

Active member
I'm working on a book with Rick Stanton. I'm writing up his explorations in Daren which led to the Restaurant at the End of The Universe etc.

I thought I had a copy of Clive Gardner's essential history of exploration in the mountain, but I can't find it. Could anyone send it to me - the bit about Daren in this period? 




You are probably already aware, but there?s accounts of Rick?s exploration in the Chelsea Llangattock Exploration Journal (CSS records 19) and in Farr?s Darkworlds

Hope this helps


Jenny P

Active member
I have a copy of Farr's "Darkworld" if it's any use to you.

If you are going to be at the BCA meeting this Saturday I can bring it for you - otherwise I can scan and send the relevant bit.


Well-known member
Clive is still a member on here so may see your post himself. He doesn't seem to have been active on the forum recently though.

Duncan Price

Active member
David Rose said:
I'm working on a book with Rick Stanton. I'm writing up his explorations in Daren which led to the Restaurant at the End of The Universe etc.

I thought I had a copy of Clive Gardner's essential history of exploration in the mountain, but I can't find it. Could anyone send it to me - the bit about Daren in this period? 



