• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Lost: Glasses at SWCC last weekend (24th/25th Nov)


New member
I've been a wally and managed to leave my glasses at SWCC last weekend after putting in my contact lenses (and in fact they would be with both a case and bottle of saline). I'm pretty sure they were in the toilets upstairs above the kitchen (other people in my club saw them while cleaning up (but didn't realise they were mine)).

I tried to contact the cottage warden on Sunday night by email (is that the best person?) but I haven't had a reply. If anyone has an appropriate telephone number for someone to ask that they could PM me I'd be most grateful.

I'm currently planning a day trip this coming Saturday to get them back but I need to check they are still there before I drive up.
