Mynydd Llangattock Cave Management Advisory Committee

Stuart France

Active member
We're holding a hybrid AGM for MLCMAC on Weds 12th June at 7.30pm in person at my office in Abertillery and over Zoom. MLCMAC is now a Caving Wales subcommittee. It used to be a government committee with NRW running it.

There isn't any formal agenda, it's more a case of picking up in general terms on where we were before Covid and after NRW's exit from the caving scene. So old and new faces welcome to join, especially if you envisage having an active role with facilitating access to and activities in the Llangattock and Clydach Gorge caves.

The club website now has some very fine route descriptions for these caves, for example:
and the contact details link there for MLCMAC are at:

If you want to contact me then all the Caving Wales (formerly Cambrian Caving Council) details are at:

Stuart France