Notification of Derbyshire Caving Association Meetings on Monday 19th February 2023


Well-known member

Please take this as notification for the following meetings to take place on the evening of Monday 19th February 2024.

Special General Meeting
Annual General Meeting
Post AGM Council Meeting

The agenda and associated documents can be found at the following link:


DCA Chair
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Well-known member
I don't know if its just me but I get

Error establishing a database connection​

When I click the link (both on MacBook and iPhone)?

Pete K

Well-known member
It seems to be working right now (PC / Win 11 / MS Edge), although a little slow to load. If the problem persists for you or returns, do let us know and we'll investigate further.


Well-known member
Just a reminder that upcoming AGM and SGM will be held on Monday 19th February 2024. For the avoidance of doubt, the Special General Meeting will be held immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting.

The agenda and associated documents can be found at the following link:


DCA Chair