Poo in ofd


Better in an active streamway than many other places, though obviously not ideal. As for the Daren drum, fine if you have an empty one with you, or if you've brought one specifically as a toilet, but fir an OFD trip, if I expected to need one, I'd probably have gone beforehand, rather than taking in a tub...

You've also just reminded me of the time I needed to poo in Ireby. I managed to get to the downstream sump and assumed it would be long gone before anyone went near it. I found out that evening that Tony Seddon had dived it about half an hour later, while I was off digging. It took me years to own up to it, but Tony didn't remember seeing a poo, or getting ill, so I got away with it! 🤣


Well-known member
Talking of which, I once set out for Cape Kennedy in the Easegill System and at the top of Canuck Climb turned left instead of right and put my (bare) hand in a pile of shit . . . so OK, 'if you gotta go, you gotta go' . . . but in this particular part of the system the floor is dried-out sand/mud and it would have been dead easy and wouldn't have taken more than a few minutes to bury the stuff.


Well-known member
We once found a big turd halfway down the Crabwalk in Giants, making slow, but steady progress toward - erm - Great Relief Passage. Still had the cascades to get over first though...:poop:


We once found a big turd halfway down the Crabwalk in Giants, making slow, but steady progress toward - erm - Great Relief Passage. Still had the cascades to get over first though...:poop:
We found one down there once. It was at the one point where it's wide enough to squat. Just upstream of where you need to crawl in the water!
It was a proper monster poo as well!

I've always had visions of a hungover fresher getting the building urge and making a dash for the exit, with each twist and turn making the situation more desperate; ultimately irresistible.
I just hope he had his pants back up by the time his group caught up, as that would have earned some serious ribbing regardless! 🤣


Active member
As your group or solo should have an emergency tub with some basic stuff in, it could also include some cling film (sometimes put cling film in first aid kit) and a zip lock bag, again quite often in first aid lit for disposal of contaminated materials, you have an emergency dump kit.
As your group or solo should have an emergency tub with some basic stuff in, it could also include some cling film (sometimes put cling film in first aid kit) and a zip lock bag, again quite often in first aid lit for disposal of contaminated materials, you have an emergency dump kit.
As long as you remove the neatly wrapped cling-filmed lump, otherwise it's no great improvement on dog walkers who collect up their hound's gift to nature in a poo bag and leave it hanging on a tree branch for the bag to slowly bio-degrade.


Slightly disgruntled footpath walker.



Active member
As long as you remove the neatly wrapped cling-filmed lump, otherwise it's no great improvement on dog walkers who collect up their hound's gift to nature in a poo bag and leave it hanging on a tree branch for the bag to slowly bio-degrade.


Slightly disgruntled footpath walker.

Yes should have said, you then take the little parcel with you. As should dog walkers. Or the dog poo moved into the hedge row for nature to do the job for you


Active member
We just wait for high rainfall for Welsh Water to dump their customers poo for us. Along with whatever else people chuck down toilets. Good practice is to take a plastic bag and remove out the cave. Practicing how to poo in a plastic bag is a vital expedition skill and should form basic training for all cavers.


I put anti diarrhea tablets in my first aid kit. They stop any urges quite quickly
Immodium Instants solve the problem most of the time.

For longer trips I have a sacrificial wide mouth nalgene (prevents the smell escaping and protects the precious cargo) and some zip lock bags to do the business in first.

Either way, if you’re caught short I believe your strongly obligated to return ASAP on a clean-up mission!

Tritium’s comment on practicing is definitely worth following - most people dont realise actually where their bumhole is and there’s nothing worse than a glancing shot… The joys of expeditions…😃


Active member
Tritium’s comment on practicing is definitely worth following - most people dont realise actually where their bumhole is and there’s nothing worse than a glancing shot… The joys of expeditions…😃
Alternatively do it on a 50cm square sheet of plastic, then fold it up and put it in a couple of plastic bags and Daren drum etc. Most should be able to hit 50cm target.


Active member
Found one in Swinsto last year, a fine, twin pronged specimen. Was in there at the weekend and checked in on it, imagining it would have been washed away after the winter we've had. Although a shadow of it's majestic self, it's still there.


Active member
A couple of years ago myself and ebgb first-footed a mine in Weardale.
Exploring a blind side-drive, "Hey, look at all this newspaper, it says.... Neville Chamberlain.... Mr Hitler.. ah, oh, ewww"