• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

    The latest issue is finally complete and printed

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(Tag Fall Cave-In).....send.............click,..holy crap!!!



:p TAG Fall Cave-In......begins..oct the 11th......check out the internet stuff.....grand party......i shall be the last man standing saturday morning and sunday also!!........at least i will try..but, at each party each year i do the same thing.......i seem to shut off at 4:30 am.....can't seem to make it past that time........apparently the bottom depths of my personal biorhythum are irrecoverable!!.........but, i shall give it a go........

this is the last year of the cavein at the location we have always had.....i was present at its birth and its death......ah well........rumor has it that next years gathering will be on the property of one of those cavers with money who want to leave a lasting legacy that has more endurance than their body does.......God bless'em.......

you guys would be proud of me, i am the organizer of a cleanup effort to suck-up to a cave landowner by doing him a great favor by cleaning up his land and no or little cost to him!!.....we'll do that deed on saturday......