Trechnical caving Guide


I've just picked up a copy (from Expe) of the new FFS book "Technical Caving Guide" - the English version. I've only briefly as yet looked through it, but it seems to be very good, with lots of good colour photographs and diagrams to illustrate the various techniques discussed. The translation to English looks to be spot on as well, so full marks to our Damian for producing a very readable and accurate translation - well done Damian (y)


via the Speleo Vercors wifi LAN at La Jarjatte-en-Vercors



Active member
Cheers Glenn. Not seen a copy myself yet but they are available via Amazon and Waterstones for ?25 inc. postage or for less (plus postage, which makes them more) direct from the FFS.

Les W

Active member
damian said:
Cheers Glenn. Not seen a copy myself yet but they are available via Amazon and Waterstones for ?25 inc. postage or for less (plus postage, which makes them more) direct from the FFS.
and from Starless River, where I got mine  (y)
Looks good too, well done Damian...  :bow:
Now about that little translation project I had for you...  :unsure:

Roger W

Well-known member
Ah, Cap'n C - I see your keyboard has a mind of its own, too! 

Actually small keys and (relatively) large finger ends can cause a lot of errors.

Sounds as if it (the book) is a good read.    (y)


Well-known member
No I just think Chris was going for the pendant medal this time, glad he did otherwise I would have won it as I was very tempted...


Well-known member
No I just think Chris was going for the pendant medal this time, glad he did otherwise I would have won it as I was very tempted...

Don't you mean 'No I just think Roger W was going for the pendant medal this time, glad he did otherwise I would have won it as I was very tempted...'


New member

    No I just think Chris was going for the pendant medal this time, glad he did otherwise I would have won it as I was very tempted...

Don't you mean 'No I just think Roger W was going for the pendant medal this time, glad he did otherwise I would have won it as I was very tempted...'

Pendant medal....  Is that the one you hang around your neck???

I'll get my coat now.... :sneaky:


New member
No, Martin - A pendant hangs off a necklace or earing (or cave roof)...trechnically speaking... :sneaky:

(Pendant is an intentional typo on this forum to keep with the caving theme....I wonder if anyone knows when it was first used?  :) )