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Vercors 2008 - watch this space

Level 3 activcard ought to, but I guess it is ultimately up to the Maire of Engines whether to accept it or not.

I think it was ok last time we did the Berger (2001) but I'm not certain.
The main issue was always the need to supply a bond (?1000) against uninsured rescue costs (or proof that the costs were covered). A letter from BCRA's insurers was always good enough but I'm not so sure about Snowcard.

I guess the bond will not be necessary as the French will have covered that for the duration of the event so I reckon Snowcard Activcard level 3 will be fine.
Please can anyone help with a query as I cannot find the details on the Vercors web site.

I understand that to go into a cave in the area while the congress is on you have to log your interest the day before and there is a tag system to know who is in or out.

Do you have to be 'Registered/paid the conference entrance fee' to go into these caves?

I have BCA insurance, does this cover me to go into the Vercor caves?


Judi Durber said:
I have BCA insurance, does this cover me to go into the Vercor caves?

Ultimately, this is up to the organisers of the Vercors event to answer, but I should point out that if by "BCA insurance" you mean you are either a DIM or are a club member and are therefore contributing to the BCA's PL Scheme, then this is not a rescue or travel insurance policy and won't cover you for rescue or medical costs.

You need to be aware of the fact that this is the key difference between the cover provided through membership of BCA and the cover which comes as part of membership of the FFS. AIUI, their membership includes worldwide travel and rescue insurance, whereas ours does not. And, before any one asks why not, last time I looked, their cover was more than twice as expensive as ours.

I would expect that rescue and medical cover is what the Vercors 2008 event organisers will be most interested in, but you really need to ask them for yourself.

Judi Durber said:
Please can anyone help with a query as I cannot find the details on the Vercors web site.

I understand that to go into a cave in the area while the congress is on you have to log your interest the day before and there is a tag system to know who is in or out.

Do you have to be 'Registered/paid the conference entrance fee' to go into these caves?

I have BCA insurance, does this cover me to go into the Vercor caves?


Hi Judi, From a Email I received:
Cavers who registered for the congress and who have a congress badge must register for every different cave he/she wants to do (including Berger - control of badges at the entrance) at the Explo-Speleo stand (where guides/topo's and access routes will be available). Additionally, cavers must have insurance.
I've the request form for a special temporary insurance for foreigners for the vercors. can anyone tell me how to fill it in cuz i dont understand it. if you can help me could you PM me and i give you my phone no so  i can go though the form with you.
Judi Durber said:
Please can anyone help with a query as I cannot find the details on the Vercors web site.

I understand that to go into a cave in the area while the congress is on you have to log your interest the day before and there is a tag system to know who is in or out.

Do you have to be 'Registered/paid the conference entrance fee' to go into these caves?

I have BCA insurance, does this cover me to go into the Vercor caves?


Hi Judi,

The caves are being rigged for the benefit of those attending the congress. If you have not (or will not) be registering, it is possible to take out a days registration at 15 euro's (at the Explo-Speleo stand) and therefore be entitled to descend a rigged cave. It is expected that many cavers attending the congress will be taking advantage of the rigged caves, so to avoid uneccessary queues and possible conflict at a cave, it would be best to register for a day, if that's what you intend to do.

Nick has answered your insurance question.

The Vercors 2008 Congress will also be opening the world's longest tyrolienne traverse on the afternoon of August 23rd: The "Tyrolienne Pierrot Rias" (TPR) at  1150m length and 250m gradient.



woollydigger said:
I've the request form for a special temporary insurance for foreigners for the vercors. can anyone tell me how to fill it in cuz i dont understand it. if you can help me could you PM me and i give you my phone no so  i can go though the form with you.

Hi Woolydigger, which bit are you having a problem with. The form is in French and English and is fairly basic as forms go.

Nom / Name : YOUR SURNAME ?Pr?nom /First Name : YOUR FIRST NAME

Date de naissance / Birth Date : YOUR DATE OF BIRTH Sexe / Sex : YOUR SEX (male or female)

Adresse / Address : YOUR ADDRESS

Code Postal / ZIP Code : YOUR POST CODE Commune / City : YOUR POSTAL TOWN

Pays / Country : UK  T?l / Phone : YOUR 'PHONE NUMBER

Profession / Job : YOUR JOB

Je d?sire m?assurer dans le cadre de l?assurance temporaire ?trangers sp?ciale ? Vercors 2008 ? pour la dur?e du congr?s (23-30 ao?t) ainsi que pour la p?riode suivante : du ........................ au .........................,
correspondant au camp / stage international ? Vercors 2008 ? (rayer la mention inutile) intitul? :

I wish to be insured in the frame of the special temporary insurance for foreigners ? Vercors 2008 ? for the duration of the congress (23-30 August 2008), and also for the following period : from........................ to .........................,
corresponding to the camp / international training ? Vercors 2008 ? (cross out the useless part) named :

Je joins le paiement / I attach the payment.

A / in CURRENCY (EURO'S) Le / on the: DATE Signature : YOUR SIGNATURE

You can get euro's from the post office. I prefer to pay a bit more and get paper money, that is, rather than post 4 X 1 euro, or 2 X 2 euro, I'd prefer to send 5 euro's as paper money. I would also photocopy the form to keep as some sort of proof that you've filled it in.

Hope this helps,



For information: if anyone is staying in the south of the Vercors (La Chapelle for example) the new tunnel at the head of the Grands Goulets is now open. From sortie 9 (exit for St. Romans/Pont-en-Royans) on the A49 autoroute, La Chapelle is just 40 minutes (via Pont-en-Royans).

Not much use if you are staying in the north though...


Latest on Congress registrations from Olivier:

Dear Caving Friends, Chers Amis Sp?l?os,
This is the LAST reminding email about the European Speleological Congress pre-registrations which will end in 2 days on the 31 of July, for the good reason that after the system will be closed (badges will be printed) and the staff will be on holidays. After it will be on the congress site directly (but with higher fees).
So we invite you to pre-register now you and your club/federation members on :


Last week the congress organisers offered two very special "presents" to each European country supporting the congress:

- an exhaustive visit of one of these 2 very extraordinary Vercors caves' systems : Grotte de la Luire or a Traverse of the Couffin-Chevaline system

- a passage to open the world record of the largest SRT traverse on the 23rd afternoon : The "Tyrolienne Pierrot Rias" (TPR) of 1150m long and 250m gradient.

I decided that the fairest way to allocate these "presents" was to organise a competition amongst everyone that had registered for the congress via BCA.

I am therefore extremely pleased (not to mention a bit jealous) to announce that Lee Langdon will be undertaking a traverse of the Couffin-Chevaline system, which is part of the Choranche show cave complex and is a trip that is very rarely allowed and that Greg Jones will be representing UK cavers and participating in the world record breaking tyrolienne traverse on the afternoon of Saturday August 23rd.

Well done lads,


woollydigger said:
how do i register for the rigged caves

From a few posts above in this thread (My bold).

bazdog said:
Cavers who registered for the congress and who have a congress badge must register for every different cave he/she wants to do...
...at the Explo-Speleo stand
(where guides/topo's and access routes will be available). Additionally, cavers must have insurance.
Judi Durber said:
Thank you guy's  :)  looks like I had better pay the entrance fee and organise some insurance.  Hope to see you there.  8)


A company called Towergate Insurance are on the BCA website. They can provide this insurance for you. Their number is 01329-228789. Speak to Richard Gibb or Wendy McElroy.

See you there.
Hi all, latest from Olivier attached. There's some good stuff in the programme zip file:


Latest news from the Vercors is that there are major road works in the gorge just before the village of Engins (as you come up from Sassenage). They are blasting and if you are unlucky, there could be a 30 minute delay, although they may have completed this work by now. The other thing to know is that there is still ongoing road improvement work on the Herbouilly plateau, between Chaliment and Roybon, so unless you want a long walk, caves of Herbouilly are not accessible.

See you in the Vercors,


Please broadcast widely this message in your network /
Merci de diffuser largement cette info dans vos r?seaux

Dear caving friends / Chers amis sp?l?o,
This email to give you the full programme of the IVth European Speleological Congress, which is here :
In this zip-file (500 ko) you'll find the following content :
- updated sessions table
- detailled sessions content (200 communications in 6 parallel rooms)
- detailled animations & projections content (100 films in 2 cinemas)
- congress practical guide
- map of the rooms in Lans

These files will be also available within a couple of days on the Vercors 2008 website :
www.vercors2008.eu and the full color programme realised in partnership with Speleo Magazine will be given at your arrival at the "Secretariat" in the Tourist Office.
If on the 22nd, 23rd or 24th you arrive after 19h at the Grenoble station (last bus for Lans) and you need a lift to come to Lans, we have 3 departures (20h, 22h and 24h). In that case please send us an email with your name, GSM number, arrival date and chosen schedule so that we can wait for you in front of the station (with Vercors 2008 sign on the mini-bus).

WHAT TO BRING to Vercors 2008 ?
If you have any question about "Accomodation" or how to "Access" Lans en Vercors, you'll find all the necessary information on the respective pages on the website.
For your information there will be no free gymnasium to sleep in at the congress, so if you haven't booked any other accomodation, the best is to take you Tent.
There is no throw-away items on the congress, so you are invited to bring your Plate/glass and crockery (cf congress pratical guide page 4&5).
And we advice you to have an FM radio-receiver with earphones for the simultaneous translation (cheap ones in shape of caving-carabiner will be available at the SpeleoBar).
On the 23rd the stands will open at 10h, the World record traverse at 12h, the opening aperitive at 17h and the delegations welcome at 20h.

See you on the 23rd in Vercors !!!

The Vercors 2008 Team
23-30 Aug-Ao?t 2008
Lans en Vercors - Is?re (38) - France
Cordes/COURANT/Ropes & PETZL
Partenaires Officiels - Vercors 2008 - Official Partners

What campsite are most of the British contingent staying at? I know I've left this very late...  :spank:
Hi hurricane i was told on another post on this site posted by glenn most of the british was stayin at L'oursiere so that's where iam stayin. You can book online follow the link from the on the vercors website or there is a link on here somewhere hope this help's you :thumbsup: 