• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

    The latest issue is finally complete and printed

    Subscribers should have received their issue in the post - please let us know if you haven't. For everyone else, the online version is now available for free download:

    Click here for download link


cap n chris

Well-known member
Matt, a cavey chum, writes:

"I have read the BCRA Cave Surveying book and I think getting on a course would be a useful next step, could you point me in the direction of a club / person / course coordinator? My google search isn't delivering...converting measurements to Cartesian or pixel points on a 2D map is my current headache  - I'm using Therion...grrrrrr"

I'm happy to forward his email address to anyone who feels able and disposed to mentor a keen chap, pronto (he's off to work overseas within a month).



New member
Yay !

May I suggest a more informative subject title next post ?

Survex is relatively simple allowing most cavers to get to grips with it. Therion because of its greater complexity, has a tendency to only be used by a couple of people on a project and if they move on.........

There are plenty of survey resources out there on how to convert compass, clino and distance to cartesian and vice versa using Excel and other programs.

As to a course, the BCRA Cave Surveying Group do these occasionaly. I suggest you contact Wookie about the next one and/or maybe visit Hidden Earth 2011 ?

What do you need to do ?