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CHECC venue in wales?


Does anyone know of a venue that may be able to host CHECC (late november) this year?

Ideally, our requirements are to have:

A large venue: ~200-250 people (So lots of camping space or something).
Catering facilities we can use ourselves (commercial kitchen).
A large hall/indoor space to hold the AGM/Disco.
Not too close to residential areas that could complain about noise.

It would be good if it was within driving distance of some caves, but we could probably stretch this to a long drive 1-2 hours if it helps open up the option for better venues.

We've tried the summit centre and ruled that out as it is too small and they won't allow camping on site.

We also considered the SWCC as CHECC has been hosted there before however, it's not ideal as we think we'd struggle with kitchen space and space in general. 


Brendan (CHECC Treasurer)

A Peak District venue would also be amazing, but we're quite low on options there as the Rotary Centre still won't have us back.

Please rack your brains everyone, as otherwise we'll be back to Fernhill Farm (Mendips) after only one year off. It's a nice enough venue but we need some variety!


Active member
I take it the Gilwern Center would not have us back? Might be worth giving them a ring and asking - promising we wont break a washing machine this time.... Or a fridge..... Or set off the fire alarms..... Or have a naked Bratch running around......

On second thoughts, it might be unlikely!



New member
Benfool said:
I take it the Gilwern Center would not have us back? Might be worth giving them a ring and asking - promising we wont break a washing machine this time.... Or a fridge..... Or set off the fire alarms..... Or have a naked Bratch running around......

On second thoughts, it might be unlikely!

I think they're done with us.  :D

Trig Gledhill

New member
Benfool said:
I take it the Gilwern Center would not have us back? Might be worth giving them a ring and asking - promising we wont break a washing machine this time.... Or a fridge..... Or set off the fire alarms..... Or have a naked Bratch running around......

On second thoughts, it might be unlikely!
Yeah I bet everybody is going to welcome you with open arms after posting that...

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

That is the major problem with trying to find a venue, that many won't have us back after having us before. It's quite self destructive behaviour really, as now we're running out of places to go (though of course it's not the only factor, rising attendance for one has made it more difficult)

We just have to note that for three years now we have shown that we can treat a venue responsibly, giving us a couple of venues that are happy to have us back. Three years is quite a long time in student terms, meaning that we're now a completely different committee, and more importantly, an almost completely different bunch of people


Active member
I believe the biggest attendance year was 2008 ~ 315 people, and it was also our first year at the Rotary Centre who were more than happy to have us back.

In fact most venues were always happy to have us back apart from a few years ago when things obviously got a little more destructive - its good to have 3 years of good reputation. Would any of the venues that currently welcome you help you secure another venue with a written supportive statement?

Would Hope Valley College have you in the Peaks?


Well-known member
Also, if you're looking for a venue in the peaks, please look back at last years topic, started by Brendan. There were one or two thoughts there, and they were reasonably well thought through.


South Wales isn't my area, so I will leave local knowledge to them.


Big Bad Botch said:
That is the major problem with trying to find a venue, that many won't have us back after having us before. It's quite self destructive behaviour really, as now we're running out of places to go (though of course it's not the only factor, rising attendance for one has made it more difficult)

We just have to note that for three years now we have shown that we can treat a venue responsibly, giving us a couple of venues that are happy to have us back. Three years is quite a long time in student terms, meaning that we're now a completely different committee, and more importantly, an almost completely different bunch of people

Didn?t one of your guys try to climb the soil stack at Penwyllt last year? Getting high enough to rip it off the wall and then fall and smash his head on the picnic table, which then required a trip to the nearest hospital?

Also, on one of the underground demonstrations, I noticed one of your guys lift  up a large rock and start hitting away at a small stall boss near he entrance of OFD 2. After a few short, sharp words, he stppped and walked off.


Well-known member
These are isolated incidents caused by one or two people, I know the soil stack thing happened as I was there when it was being fixed... (in the weeks after)
I don't know about some of the others, so wont comment.

But it's very hard to spot and stop the damage (both to reputation and property) as it happens. Recently, closer to home (not CHECC related) I caught someone drawing on Furniture with pen, quickly nipped this in the bud by saying they would be out on the street if they continued. I hate being harsh, but sometimes a short sharp shock is what's needed.

Irrespective of what individual delegates get upto, the group of CHECC "guys" are very good at training up the next generation. Many who attended all of the events this year would agree on that, It has been a great year. Long may it continue.

Clearly the lesson is, if it happens, own up quickly and offer to help repair it.


Well-known member
The university of the location you are thinking of should house you, after all they made you and should take some responsibility for your behaviour 😂😂


Well-known member
Minion said:
Didn?t one of your guys try to climb the soil stack at Penwyllt last year? Getting high enough to rip it off the wall and then fall and smash his head on the picnic table, which then required a trip to the nearest hospital?

That was not a student I believe...


andrewmc said:
Minion said:
Didn?t one of your guys try to climb the soil stack at Penwyllt last year? Getting high enough to rip it off the wall and then fall and smash his head on the picnic table, which then required a trip to the nearest hospital?

That was not a student I believe...

I was at Penwyllt the day after the event and all talk was of the student who had fallen.


Well-known member
Minion said:
I was at Penwyllt the day after the event and all talk was of the student who had fallen.

I was the sober person who drove down the hill to meet the ambulance while another person held his head steady (when the ambulance arrived, the paramedics cleared his spine and he went into hospital walking I believe). Names omitted to protect the guilty :p (and also because I've forgotten who it actually was)

Not saying that students don't get into trouble occasionally, but so do other cavers...

It amused me somewhat that there was a cave rescue callout while SCHECC was going on (late out) but it wasn't the students - it was a 'proper' caving club in Aggy, and SCHECC older people got drafted in to drive to Whitewalls (albeit only getting about 15 minutes down the road before getting the 'stand doesn't)!


Active member
As one of the people holding the head of the person involved, no they were not a student, and haven't been for quite some time.

I do wonder why CHECC would ask for logistical help on UKC if it results in a list of incidents, most of which were dealt with appropriately, that are easily 'googleable' to a prospective venue.

This is a different group to old bunch of degenerates I am so firmly a member of.


Active member
Ian Ball said:
Maybe two smaller events would be easier homed?

Checc already has two smaller events, reasonably easily homed. But the big one is about bringing people together init.


Active member
Ian Ball said:
Or not if a venue can't be found?

That's the spirit! Call the whole thing off guys...

It would be an awful shame to lose the important role the CHECC events (the main one obviously included) play in getting young people underground safely and effectively.