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Tent Groundsheet


Got an old Mountain Hardware Trango 3.1 which we love and is basically in mint condition other than the ground sheet which is now pretty shot.

Googling suggests that re-proofing is nigh on impossible to do effectively.  Just wondering if anyone's ever had one replaced. i.e. stitching unpicked and a new one stitched in.

www.scottishmountaingear.com seem to offer the service and look very professional, but just wondered if anyone's used them, or similar.

Chocolate fireguard

Active member
Glad I checked this thread.

I have a much used 21 year old Macpac Microlight tent that needs a new zip on the inner - the midges in Lochaber thought all their birthdays had come at once a few weeks ago. I have contacted Scottish Mountain Gear, filled in their form and shall post the inner off to them tomorrow.
If they can do a fiddly job like that they shouldn't have any trouble with a straightforward groundsheet.


Thanks for the replies.  I'll most likely be using them.

I've just in the process of re-sealing some of the seams on the fly which leak in heavy rain, so will give it a rain proof test before making the decision to splash cash on the ground sheet.

Just reproofed a vango force 10 that was languishing in my dads barn in wales.  Cannot believe its not been nibbled and its still bombproof.  Tad heavy mind and not much head room!!

Chocolate fireguard

Active member
Just got my inner tent back from Scottish Mountain Gear.
They didn't replace the whole zip, just the 2 sliders.
Before, the zip kept separating, now it stays together despite any reasonable attempt I make to pull it apart.
It never occurred to me that could be the problem.
So although I can't say how good their sewing is, I get the idea they know what they're doing.
It cost me 31 quid, more than half of which was the postage in both directions.