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The Last Adventure (Various)

Ian Adams

Well-known member
?The Last Adventure? by Various (1989) First Edition.

A rather splendid compendium of accounts of various cavers around the country. Stories, reports and lore are covered across the great caving regions by the stalwarts there at the first hand. The reader is cleverly drawn into each adventure and you quickly succumb to the prose finding yourself journeying along with each writer. I found myself in various pubs, drinking various beers, talking to various people - none of whom I have met or know. I went underground properly equipped, ill equipped and not knowing whether I had all the gear or not. I even partook in caving diving. It was hard to separate the stories from reality and I put the book down believing I had actually been to those places.

From an ethereal plane, I was able to empathise with some accounts where I have shared experiences. And, I could easily visualise those dramas where I had not. The only criticism I could find is that I wish it was a longer read ...

A short tome of fascination.





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Well-known member
That book was the brainchild of the late Alan Thomas. He had this idea that many cavers who don't often write down their exploits had some really interesting tales to tell; he wanted to drag some of these stories out and get them in print. I remember at the time there were some who never thought he'd get the project off the ground. Several in the Hunters laughed at the idea - but Alan quietly delivered. I think he was very proud of the result.

Looks like there's a copy available here, in case anyone's interested:


Speaking of which, I don't seem to be able to find my own copy. If anyone on this forum has borrowed it (and I'm a beggar for lending books then forgetting) please can I have it back some time?


Jenny P

Active member
This sounds like one we ought to have in the British Caving Library but it appears we haven't got a copy.

Hence I'll contact Wessex to obtain one - hopefully can pick it up at Hidden Earth.

Thanks for the heads up!


Jenny P

Active member
Many thanks to Hatstand, who organised a complimentary copy of "The Last Adventure" for the British Caving Library. 

It arrived safely yesterday and I have already dipped in for a sneaky read before it goes onto the Library shelves.  It looks like a cracking book and has some excellent photos in, some which are real vintage stuff. 

If you don't have a copy, Wessex C.C. still has some remaining copies for sale so do yourself or your Club a favour and buy one.  Or ask for one for Christmas - I wouldn't have minded if someone had thought to give me this!