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Advice on artificial cave (UK)


New member
Hey folks...  No, the lack of caving in lock down has not driven me to want my own cave in my living room.

I work for a UK university and they are experimenting with robots for exploring cave type environments. (think autonomous collapsed mine rescues etc)

What we really need are a couple of small sections of artificial cave for use in our robotics arena. A big ask but does anyone have an old one that's no longer useable by  children but could be used by robots instead?

Or have any of you got the tooling etc to make sections of artificial cave?  Someone in this great community must be involved in making these things?!

Can you help?


we had a couple of spare sections earlier in the year, but they are now part of another project.....just knock something up out of timber to get you going

we have a system in sussex i may be able to arrange use of