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video of Titan required please!


Active member
Hi, does anybody have any video footage of a descent/ascent of Titan that they would like to see on the telly?

John Harrison (the Peak Cavern and Speedwell mine owner) has approached me as a TV company are doing a (second) series of underground activities and want to include Titan so if anyone has any footage that they would be willing to share, please contact John direct - 07712675651




Well-known member
Dave Webb might be willing to allow some of his footage to be used - I can drop him a line.


Active member
Thanks Adam..I know the copyright will be acknowledged, not sure if there will be any monetary recompense..


Active member
Possibly, if you have a contact for them and could let them know it would be appreciated, thanks J.


Well-known member
cooleycr said:
Possibly, if you have a contact for them and could let them know it would be appreciated, thanks J.

Have just sent him an email & asked him to glance at this topic.


New member
Whilst I can't help out with this, I have been fascinated with the idea of lighting up Titan for recording. It sounds like a major project that would require previous planning and many people involved for lighting all the way down. If there is anyone willing to explain to me how they have done this in the past or would try to do it, please PM me! I am so curious  (y)


Well-known member
It was done when Kate Humble went there as part of the "Extreme Caving" programme, a number of years ago, if that's any help? You might find it lurking on You Tube?


Well-known member
I have helped on a filming trip before, my mate abseiled to the event horizon with a really powerful light for an angle from the window... Although we could see the whole of the upper shaft in great detail, including Jim in mid space like a spider on a thread, there was not enough for the camera being used!


Well-known member
I now think the Kate Humble programme was in 2007 and was actually called "Ultimate Caving".



Well-known member
This gives a little more information and a more precise date.

It was on BBC 2.



Well-known member
Looks like it was Gavin Newman who did the Titan filming:


Maybe contact him and ask?


Well-known member
I think hiring one of the spiffy new low-light cameras would be required for something like this, which would possibly be easier than trying to find suitably bright lights, with the attendant battery problems - as Brains pointed out, our eyes have built-in low-light adjustment, but cameras are not so good. Alternatively, construct a waterwheel in the Cascades, connected to some sort of fantasy electronic storage device and have a big plug hanging off the traverse always ready for action. I'm sure Chocolate Fireguard can advise ;)


Well-known member
I've passed the details on to Dave Webb, and he's got in touch with John H.  (y)