Post Corona Careers to Avoid


Well-known member
The current situation is unsettling to many.  However, there are certain careers that still need to be treated with caution.  I'll start with drummers. Very nice people, but not all vacancies are alright, be careful.  As ever thoughts and contributions welcome.

Duck ditch

New member
Perhaps it?s time to lose cruise ships. Virus carriers and bad for the environment.  Sorry to Sneak in a serious point. The underrated World Party threw in a few issues of today back in 1987.


Are cruise ships still worse for the environment than the majority of the would-be passengers flying to and from their holidays instead?


Active member
Duck ditch said:
Perhaps it?s time to lose cruise ships. Virus carriers and bad for the environment.  Sorry to Sneak in a serious point. The underrated World Party threw in a few issues of today back in 1987.

Did not work.  Try here:


Duck ditch

New member
I don?t know.  I?d have to split the flight,cruise,flight holidays away from others etc.  I?m bored but not that bored. My thinking was. What job wouldn?t I want to do today.  Drummer for spinal tap was taken.  Then I thought cruise ship worker. Then I thought, ship of fools. Then I thought of Venice before the virus.  Then I thought up the sentence I put with the clip.  I was thinking I wouldn?t want to work at an airport now but couldn?t think of a tune.  I?ve thought of one now if you?re interested. 