Bats in a Devon Cave


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Do you even think about photographing let alone handling a bat.  It is illegal.  Potential fine ?500 per bat.


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Bat tennis? FFS. This is our chief scout? Baden Powell would be turning

Bat tennis? This is our chief scout? Extreme depression.



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Um I'd started off by saying Baden Powell would be doing something unspeakable, but it got partially posted anyway


Active member
Speleofish said:
Bat tennis? FFS. This is our chief scout? Baden Powell would be turning

Bat tennis? This is our chief scout? Extreme depression.

I understand the defence of this behaviour is the same as the Daily Telegraph's defence of untruths in Boris Johnson's writing, along the lines of "It is just entertainment, no one should take it seriously."

Panem at circenses.

Bats still died.
