"Ice Age Giants"

Joe Duxbury

There's an article in the 'Weekend' magazine that accompanies a daily paper, by Dr Alice. She's advertising her forthcoming BBC2 series "Ice Age Giants", which starts on Sunday 19 May, at 8 pm.
For the second episode, she 'descended into the depths of a cave' in the Apuseni Mountains of Romania to film evidence of the presence of cave bears.
Could be interesting.


New member
'not available in your region' - but I'm curious, anything from the Binkley cave system in Indiana, USA? they have found lots of fossils from the ice age in there (like, over a hundred). Lots of skulls from some extinct pig species...bear...other various ice age animals.


New member
Amy said:
'not available in your region' - but I'm curious, anything from the Binkley cave system in Indiana, USA? they have found lots of fossils from the ice age in there (like, over a hundred). Lots of skulls from some extinct pig species...bear...other various ice age animals.

Nothing mentioned, but it would take more than a couple of programmes to cover every Pleistocene cave site & the La Brea Tar Pits collection takes a lot of beating, for both quality and quantity.