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The hills is lonely


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And uncharacteristically dusty.


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Well-known member
Yes, we went for a walk (from the back door, of course) and didn't see a soul for the first 14 miles. Mossdale Beck was very dry:




Well-known member
. . . and this well known spot, photographed earlier this month, with not a soul in sight. It feels really strange. (Also accessed from the door, obviously.) I'm sure plenty of readers of this forum are missing it and my commiserations go to the residents of Brackenbottom, in particular, given that their meet in a few weeks has had to be cancelled..


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Well-known member
Whitbarrow escarpment far left and Arnside Knott centre. Loadsa limestone, not many caves or people.


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Roger W

Well-known member
Here's one of Cat Bells summit last July, looking rather quiet.  That's my grandson in the picture.


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Well-known member
My local walk Halkyn mountain north Wales.
Very quiet


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Well-known member
Penyghent, from a deserted eastern flank of Ingleborough. (Snapped on one of my permitted "Boris bimbles" on 8th April.)

I'd rather be caving - but walks in this weather aren't that bad a substitute, I guess.


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Well-known member
That boulder perched on top of the pavement is impressive - has that rolled there from further upslope?


Well-known member
That's what I figured if not rolled - it's just that it looks roughly cylindrical from this angle, though it may be spherical in reality.


Well-known member
I agree with Fulk; that boulder was almost certainly moved southwards (left to right in the picture) by ice. Technically it doesn't count as a "glacial erratic" because it's the same rock type at the limestone it's sitting on.

There are some particularly fine examples on Scales Moor (west side of Chapel-le-Dale), one of which, "The Obelisk", is marked on the area map in the Northern Caves guide as a useful feature to help identify entrances. The Cheese Press Stone in Kingsdale is another example.

These things are ten a penny when you live in a "glaciokarst" area.  ;)


Staff member
Loved the light on Ingleborough recently :)


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Well-known member
Not so scenic when I was out for a run this morning; Ingleborough was in the clag. However, as I went past the Ingleton / Newby boundary stone on Grey Scars (SD72877238) I noticed that the Ingleton side is marked with a crossed " I ". There has been quite a bit of discussion previously about this old fashioned way of writing the letter I, with articles in TSG Journals, CPC Record and Descent. Graham Mullan has also written useful material on such things, I think in UBSS publications. So I thought it might be worth including a picture here. (The other side of the stone has a carved "N" for Newby.)


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Well-known member
Aha - very nice!

But that surely clears up the puzzle as to whether the '?' character represents an 'I' rather than a 'J'? As in, 'AJ Passage' is incorrect, and it is definitely 'AI Passage'? I see it a lot in documents that's all. And that some thought it may have been made by John Ashton, though it's just as likely there was an Isaac around somewhere! While I remember, there is also an 'A? ' chiselled into the cave wall near the base of Rowter Hole engine shaft.

I just had a frantic skim-read of TSG 17 ;)


Well-known member
It's probably necessary to compare all the things that were written at the time we were hunting for a non diving way into Far Sump Extension (TSG - x 2 I think, CPC x 2, Descent). But the conclusion we reached was that the crossed I had no special mining significance and would normally just represent the letter I but occasionally E or J.

At the time we'd found it in Far Sump Extension (before it was connected) and (from memory) on the wall in Speedwell next to the Boulder Piles and also (from memory again) In JH.  One idea at the time was it might have been some sort of miners' symbol which could help modern cavers sniff out a connection. But I did quite a lot of research at the time and eventually decided it wasn't something unique to mining; rather it was just an old fashioned way of writing a letter of the alphabet.

owd git

Active member
Overseers and way on to Jants, on the way  to youds has many examples of same, and other unusual lettering too Phil, will always be accessible from the bottom .  (y)  O.G.


Well-known member
I forgot about the one in Great Masson (below). And there's also an '?B' in Stoke Sough. I'm sure I've seen one in initials scratched on the passage roof leading from Roger Rains into the Great Cave in Peak Cavern too. Incidentally, that arch is a revelation - with a bright light it's possible to see a huge amount of scratched graffiti, some really old - there's one that essentially a handwritten signature of someone called 'Sylvester' and it's like 1780-something. And of course there's 'Elias Pedley' (the 'famous' lead-miner of the French geologist -toadstone controversy) at the top of the Devils Staircase, which blew my mind when Irene told me, as she didn't have a clue who he was, and used to joke to schoolkids (with a brisk wave-over with the torch) that it was Elvis Presley.

Are we still on topic here? What day is it again? Ah - it's Idle Chat - that's OK ;)


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Well-known member
Pitlamp said:
Not so scenic when I was out for a run this morning; Ingleborough was in the clag. However, as I went past the Ingleton / Newby boundary stone on Grey Scars (SD72877238) I noticed that the Ingleton side is marked with a crossed " I ".

I passed this fine boundary stone on Monday near Langcliffe Pot. It's between what is now Kettle with Starbotton and Conistone with Kilnsey:


Of more interest to me, however, is this fabulous meerstone located near Yarnbury that I was able to add to my meerstone website this week:
