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browns folly mine open


New member
I went for a walk with the dog on saturday and at long last browns folly mine is again open.  I went back up on sunday with some friends and had a trip round without having to use muddy hole we met about 5 groups in there that were very pleased that its is open again hope it stays that way now!


New member
thats fooking wonderous news :

now tell me :

1 - why dont you acess the mine via " muddy hole " - its not onerous

2 - how did you get in ? - i dont excpect self incriminarory divulgance but ..............

3 - is there a point to this thread ?


Well-known member
The place has always been open via at least two entrances, and now the bat grill has been completely removed as well as a temporary replacement. Oh well now the mentally impaired think they have free rein to do as they please how long before the angle grinder is used to break into Restore.


New member
Ha have you seen the wall that has been built to stop anybody attacking the plate that is covering the hole that used to go into 19 district monkton Farleigh  whoever built that one must have had a gang of labourers working there.
I know that everybody thinks that the caretaker was doing a wonderful job which in some cases he was but he bought the trouble on himself. I am sure as he made it very difficult for people to access parts of the quarry had his own locks on Shakespears gate and if he met anybody down there was either very anti or hid which is rather odd.
  None of this would of happened if the caretaker had not wound people up by doing what he has ie denying access and changing routes and If people who stick up for him (which i did at one stage until after 20 years of friendship and helping him at browns occasionally he as good as told me to f$%k off) cannot see that they have got to be mad....................


Well-known member
wildside said:
Ha have you seen the wall that has been built to stop anybody attacking the plate that is covering the hole that used to go into 19 district monkton Farleigh  whoever built that one must have had a gang of labourers working there.
I know that everybody thinks that the caretaker was doing a wonderful job which in some cases he was but he bought the trouble on himself. I am sure as he made it very difficult for people to access parts of the quarry had his own locks on Shakespears gate and if he met anybody down there was either very anti or hid which is rather odd.
  None of this would of happened if the caretaker had not wound people up by doing what he has ie denying access and changing routes and If people who stick up for him (which i did at one stage until after 20 years of friendship and helping him at browns occasionally he as good as told me to f$%k off) cannot see that they have got to be mad....................
During another party a section of rail was used to smash into restore through the tin sheet. Photos of the morons in santa suits playing with Restores' "stock" were well seen at the time. The stopping is to prevent further criminal damage.
Blaming the caretaker for the stupidity of the vandals is patent rubbish, no access has been denied as MH and another entrance have always been open.
As far as frienship goes posting bad photoshop montages online and on little bits of paper pasted up here and there, and setting up offensive fb pages is hardly the act of a good buddy now is it!
Grow up and stop being such a knob


New member
Brains I have never photo shopped anything about the caretaker or little bits of scrap paper as you say!!            Brian was a very good friend for a very long time and it is not my fault or any of his oldest friends faults that he decided to drop us all like a ton of bricks and slag us off beyond belief (and boy did he do that). I would be glad if you did not imply that myself or the friends he dropped had been doing what you said (we are all still friends and go underground regularly.) Obviously you will have probably realised from some of my posts that yes I think Brian has gone over the top now but he never used to be until he got involved with Browns Folly Quarry he used to be a kind very helpful person.  Myself and a few other people who used to be friends with him used to worry where he was but now after what he did and how he went about it and dropped us like a ton of bricks and accused us of breaking into his Quarry. He does deserve all he is getting and if you wondered myself and none of his ex friends are involved in any way with the vandalism etc that is happening  at Browns Folly.  It is sad that such a nice honest chap like Brian has gone the way he has and done what he has done and bought all of these problems on himself doing things in a quarry that if it did belong to him I would understand but as it belongs to somebody else I do not understand .    (would you decorate and spend thousands on your neighbours house for no return)

Wayland Smith

Active member
Insults, yes they should be banned. (y)
But remaining on topic, that takes away all the fun. Some of the best discussions come from off topic comments (IMHO)

By the way this is not meant to be disagreeing or arguing with a moderator!  :spank:


New member
I agree with Paul, this was getting personal against one person and clearly using that hatred as an excuse to take people's attention off of the vandals who are destroying this quarry.
It's been the same story for several years, blame everything on Brian as he's brought this all on himself yet nothing is being said about stopping the vandals, who if anything are now getting more extreme and destroying relics, artefacts and the features of the quarry.
The priority should be stopping the vandals, not Brian, unless you support their actions!


Active member
A backhoe, some re-bar and 20 tons of concrete should sort out access for a while (rest removed by Pegasus)


Well-known member
Think MH would need more than 20 tons, never mind the other open entrances. Shakespears would require much less. How about bat access?

(Rest of post removed by Pegasus).