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Search results

  1. droid

    A positive history of coal?

    Try YouTube
  2. droid

    David Webb's "The Hollow Hill - The Story Of The Ecton Mines" on Youtube

    John Barnatt's book 'Delving Ever Deeper' is an excellent description of these mines.
  3. droid

    Worst Cave Conservation Photographs

    That'll get the 'free access for all' clique going lol
  4. droid

    The decaying remains of a Welsh quarry abandoned decades ago.

    RE Penwllt wagon. It's made by Hornby...
  5. droid

    The decaying remains of a Welsh quarry abandoned decades ago.

    For those of a nerdy disposition, there's an 00 gauge mineral wagon 'Penwllt' made by either Bachmann or Dapol. Can't remember which,, and too lazy to check through 100-odd wagons to find out...lol
  6. droid

    Jane McCorquodale - MNRC

    Sorry to hear this. Known Jane for many years. She will be missed.
  7. droid

    Not cave access but...

    Sounds fishy....
  8. droid

    Pumping from Russett Well into the water mains............

    What's the relationship between Russet Well and Slop Moll? I always get these two confused....
  9. droid

    Standing stones in grykes around Ingleborough

    No limestone here either... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_o%27_Many_Stanes
  10. droid

    Standing stones in grykes around Ingleborough

    *Pedant mode ON* Most stone circles are Bronze Age. *Pedant mode OFF*
  11. droid

    Standing stones in grykes around Ingleborough

    Maybe Braveduck would be better communicating his scepticism to the researchers. After all, fake stone settings aren't exactly unknown to professional archaeologists....
  12. droid

    Hidden Earth 2022

    There's some good points made.... But:- Is it better to scale down the event, or not have the event at all? Which seems to be the choice made here.
  13. droid

    Hidden Earth 2022

    The 'core values' I was referring to are related to the ability to meet people in person to share information and discuss topics. Descent can share information and UKC can promote discussion (after a fashion) but neither is as good (to me) as meeting face to face. But I guess it's academic. If...
  14. droid

    Hidden Earth 2022

    Might be time to think about scaling down the event to core values. Things like information sharing and expedition updates. All singing and dancing AV presentations competitions and the like are all very well but to me they were always 'extras'. This isn't to knock the ambitions or hard work of...
  15. droid

    Silly question about Leicestershire Slate

    Yes. I think Trevor Ford cut his teeth round there too. It was a pupil at Attenborough's school that found the Charnia specimen
  16. droid

    β/γ radiation in caves and mines

    I know someone who couldn't do Giants in summer because they'd set off the alarms going into a radiologically sensitive area...
  17. droid

    An interesting, although fairly loose parallel to the Open Access Caving debate

    Yet again David you trivialise the problem.
  18. droid

    An interesting, although fairly loose parallel to the Open Access Caving debate

    I have to admire Badlad's optimism that based on the people he knows people he doesn't know aren't as bad as they are painted. He has the same argument with free access to caves. Sorry there's a small but persistent minority that DO cause problems and linking ithat to discharge of raw sewage is...
  19. droid

    Rope access:BBC

    Not a CAN or Spanset ad, but interesting nevertheless. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-45902340
  20. droid

    Doolin - St. Catherine's

    Good trip this, did it 35 years ago.... ;D https://darknessbelow.co.uk/newsflash-doolin-st-catherines-link-collapses/