2023 Cave Exploration Prize and SSSI Monitoring Draw


Well-known member
It's the final countdown for entries to our 2 annual competitions!

Have you been digging in 2023??? Get your entries for the Cave Exploration Prize in by midnight on the 1st of Jan. There are 3 different categories and at the moment it is still anyone's to win! Full details here:

You can also go in the draw for a £50 Starless River voucher if you do a caving trip and return a SSSI cave monitoring form before the end of 2023. Each form is a separate entry in the draw, so why not do a couple of inspections for us and increase your odds! Details here:
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Well-known member
One last bump.
SSSI monitoring forms need to be in by the end of today to be entered into the 2023 draw.
Cave Discovery entries have until the end of New Years Day so that you have time to include any discoveries made today in your entry.


Well-known member
One last bump.
SSSI monitoring forms need to be in by the end of today to be entered into the 2023 draw.
Cave Discovery entries have until the end of New Years Day so that you have time to include any discoveries made today in your entry.
Quite a few of the DCA website links don't work for me?


Well-known member
Quite a few of the DCA website links don't work for me?
Hi Mark

Just had a run through the site and tried a sizeable sample of links and they all worked OK, albeit one or two bit slow. Could you point out any particular ones that didn't work for you?


Well-known member
Hi Mark

Just had a run through the site and tried a sizeable sample of links and they all worked OK, albeit one or two bit slow. Could you point out any particular ones that didn't work for you?
If you click on the main header menu's, on the page it takes you to the links don't work, if you click on the main header menu's and then on the dropdown sub menu's the link will open?

I think it is the same on the other pages accessed from the main header?

Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 22.17.37.png
Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 22.18.05.png

Pete K

Well-known member
Thanks for this Mark. I've just checked and the image links on the site no longer work. Oddly they are still visually reacting as links should when you mouse over them, but the destination URL is gone and so they don't send you anywhere if you click. I've just edited one to put the URL back in and it works again, so I guess an hour or so of my life later will be checking every image link on the site and fixing them. Cheers for spotting this, no idea what's caused it but I'll get it fixed sometime today.

Pete K

Well-known member
Right, all the image links have been fixed. Thanks for reporting this. I've still got no idea why they all broke but at least the issue is now fixed.


Well-known member
The draw for the winner of the 2023 Cave Conservation Monitoring prize has been made. Thanks to everyone who entered, and don't forget to submit a conservation form in 2024 for your chance to enter the draw for this year's prize.
Details of the 2023 winner can be seen over on the DCA website.
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Well-known member
The winners of the 2023 DCA Cave Exploration Prize have been announced!
To see who has scooped up a load of rope and digging tools, head over to the DCA website.


Well done all!

Sadly I couldn't submit Ganthony Hole for the new cave award as there is no access agreement in place; it's a bit delicate but will be negotiated in due course.

However, we may well have another new cave for this year's competition!
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