• Kendal Mountain Festival - Underground Session - Fri 22nd November

    7.30pm Kendal Town Hall - and there's a bar!

    Only 29 tickets remaining. Book yours now for an evening of caving talks, films and socialising.

    Click here for ticket links

4th European Speleological Congress "Vercors 2008"


(As requested in the email I received  :) )

Attn. Please forward this email to All cavers and clubs in your country and your forums/networks

In the frame of the 4th European Speleological Congress "Vercors 2008" that will be held from 23 to 30th of August 2008 in Lans-en-Vercors (French Alps), we invite all the European cavers to present the results of their works. The communications can be illustrated by graphics, drawings, maps, photos, slideshows, videos, posters, etc.

For this, please send before the 15th of November 2007 an email to articles.vercors@ffspeleo.fr with the following information in English or French (official languages of the congress) on a .rtf or .doc file : chosen sessions (see list on : http://vercors2008.ffspeleo.fr/events/sessions.htm#menupage , title, author(s), 5 key-words, and a summary (200 words maximum, in both languages if possible), and the support type (powerpoint, video, slides, slideshow, etc).
The full article text (4 pages maximum including the photos) should arrive before the 15th of February 2008 to be published in the proceedings.

It?s also possible to present at Vercors 2008 for the European Films Festival ?EuroSpelo Image?Inn? :
-        Films
-        Videos
-        Slideshows
(see the way to present your films/slideshows on : http://fsue.ffspeleo.fr/forums/viewtopic.php?id=184 )

and you can also propose :
-        Photos for the Photo contest ?Emotion & Movement?
-        Survey maps for the ?Topo contest?
-        Historical equipment for the Historical European Exhibition 1888-2008.
For that please send an email to : contact.vercors2008@ffspeleo.fr

All the information is on www.vercors2008.eu , should you have any further questions, please contact us at contact.vercors2008@ffspeleo.fr ,
Best Speleological Regards,

For the Vercors 2008 Committee of Organisation,
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSUE
+33 / 6 81 61 16 70

Email : contact.vercors2008@ffspeleo.fr
Website Vercors 2008 : http://www.vercors2008.eu
1? Circula(i)r(e) : http://www.vercors2008.eu/presentation.htm#circulars
Website FSUE : www.fsue.org
Forums : http://fsue.org/forums/

You can register now for the European Caving Congress :