• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Baltic Speleological Congress - EuroSpeleo Forum 2007


Well-known member
FSUE'mail - www.fsue.org - n°10 - Mar-Apr 2007
This edition is available online on / Cette édition est disponible en ligne sur :
Thank you to send it to all your clubs of your federation / Merci de le diffuser à tous les clubs de votre fédération.

Dear Caving Friends / Chers Amis Speleo,

This first message of springtime to give you some important news about speleological events allover Europe within the coming months.


First and the most important for this year 2007 is about the Baltic Speleological Congress (BSC) "EuroSpeleo Forum 2007" that will be held on the karstic Island of Gotland, southwest of Stockholm - Sweden, from the 13th to the 15th of August 2007. It will be the main meeting point for all European cavers, and also for the FSUE General Assembly which will be on the 14th of August at 9am. The previous day on the 13th at 16:30 there will be a preparatory FSUE Public Meeting to present FSUE projects. All cavers and delegates are invited to these two meetings, and their access is of course completly free. The BSC congress program contains 3 sessions tracks (Technical, Learning, Science) with registration fees starting at 54euros (=500Swedish Crowns), including the Opening Cocktail Party.

You can ask for printed material such as brochures, programs, info material, by sending an mail to the BSC secretary - bscsecretariat@speleo.se and giving the number of copies that is requested. This is recommended for the national organisations who can distribute these material in their respective country. We invite everybody to visit the BSC website and to register as soon as possible on : http://www.speleo.se/bsc/ - Contact : Thomaz Gustafsson bsc@speleo.se

* FSUE Public Meeting and Stand on the German congress including the famous Vercors 2008' T-shirts models ;-)), more info on : http://fsue.ffspeleo.fr/main4/agenda-2007.html#2007-05-17
* 3rd International Cave Diving Congress "EuroSpeleo Projects" in French Alps. See : http://www.congresips.com/
* 11th Intenational Cave Rescue Conference in Hungary. Information & Registration on : http://www.caverescue.hu/konferencia_gb/conference.html

We have been informed about the EU guide for financial aid 2007-2013 in the Environmental sector. It can be useful if you want to implement a project in this field. If you are looking for European partners, please let us know on contact@eurospeleo.org , we can help you for that. The whole information about this European program is available on : http://ec.europa.eu/environment/funding/finansup.htm

The European Commission (EC) has published, about the European directive 89/686/CE on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), an updated list of European standards. It concerns among others? diving, climbing and "vertical sports" activities. More information on :

The team of 16 members of the European expedition "Siphons sous la Jungle" (Siphons under Jungle) are back to Europe. 6 European nationalities (Swiss, British, Belgian, German, Danish, French) composed this EuroSpeleo Projects (1/2007) that have stayed in Papua-New-Guinea from early February to mid-March. 10 km of new galeries have been explored and surveyed and 16 siphons have been dived representing a total lengh of 1217m. The total of post-siphon exploration is 2866m. A movie have been made by Gerard Favre. The expedition have received the financial support from the FSUE, the Belgian and the French federations. More info on : http://fsue.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=95

A team of European cavers that explore caves in Laos since the year 2000 wants to achieve an overview of caving areas located in the Northern provinces and they are launching a call for participation. Cavers all over Europe are welcome to contribute to their mission. They cooperate with the local authorities and aid projects and promote local cave eco-tourism as part of conservation and contribution to the local economy. Their Website: http://www.laoscaveproject.de and more info on WCN http://www.zenas.gr/site/home/eng_detail.asp?iData=5854 Contact : Joerg Dreybrodt - joerg_dreybrodt@yahoo.de

DID YOU KNOW ? The European Union counts not less than 39 570 cavers (2006 figures including Roumania and Bulgaria), members of the 24 national federations inside 22 countries (Portugal and Greece have 2 federations each one). 17 countries are already included in the FSUE membership process. We are still waiting the Information Form from 5 new EU countries (Slovenia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Czeck Republic), if you can please send this form as soon as possible to contact@eurospeleo.org, so that our Treasurer, Jean-Claude Thies, can proceed the membership registration before next FSUE meeting, Thanks a lot for that. Five EU countries have no speleological structure (Finland, Cyprus, Latvia, Estonia, Malta). This means that including the European non-EU countries (Swizerland, Russia, ex-Yugoslavia, etc), there are more than 40.000 cavers in Europe !

FOR THE DELEGATES : 3 new FSUE meetings reports are available on : http://fsue.org/main3/papers.html
- The 2005 General Assembly Meeting in Kalamos-Greece
- The 2006 Work Meeting with UIS in Sevilla-Spain
- The 2006 2nd Bureau Meeting in Sevilla-Spain
Every delegate and vice-delegate will receive by email and paper-mail the agenda for next General Assembly Meeting (14th of August 2007 in the BSC-Sweden) before mid-may.

PETITION : A dam over the Tigris river (Turkey-Iraqi border) called "Ilisu" is planned to be built and would flood thousands of caves. The German Speleological Federation, VdHK, is asking your support to fight against this project destroying caves and historical sites. A special email address has been settled for this issue. To sign the petition you can send your data, support messages and contacts with Turkish cavers to : petition.vdhk@eurospeleo.org . More info on : http://fsue.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=94

Following an Italian initiative, the WCN member information website Scintilena ( http://www.scintilena.com ) is now fed with news in 8 European languages, including English, French, Russian and even Esperento ... It's worse to give a look !

Thanks to our inventive webmaster, the FSUE gives a new free and automatic service to its members : 3 redirection email adresses (xx@fsue.org; xx.delegate@fsue.org and xx.vice-delegate@fsue.org) where XX are the 2 letters for the country (i.e. GB for Britain, DE for Germany, etc) and a redirection website adress : http://xx.fsue.org . This service is already operating for all FSUE members with their updated data (cf updated-list and XX-codes on http://fsue.org/main1/1_of2_members.html). For exemple if you want to write to the Italian delegate, you can do it on it.delegate@fsue.org , to the Spanish federation that's on <mailto:es@fsue.org>es@fsue.org , and to visit the Bulgarian website, it's on http://bg.fsue.org . Easier than to remember each address, isn't it ? ;-))

And already more than 40 speleological events in Europe within the end of the year 2007 on the FSUE Agenda : http://fsue.org/main4/agenda-2007.html
To advert your events, please contact Bernard Thomachot, our FSUE webmaster, at <mailto:webmaster@fsue.org>webmaster@fsue.org

YOU CAN GO BACK CAVING ;-) : We wish you nice explorations for this Springtime, if you wish you can send us your results to be published on contact@eurospeleo.org,

Best Speleological Wishes,
For the Bureau FSUE,
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSUE
+33 / 6 81 61 16 70

Email : <>contact@eurospeleo.org
Website : <>www.fsue.org
Forums : <>http://fsue.org/forums/

You can register now for the European Caving Congress on :
Vous pouvez vous inscrire maintenant au Congres Spéléo Européen :