BCA Annual General Meeting


Well-known member
I thought the proposal from last AGM meant that there would be one vacancy for group rep and one vacancy for individual rep at each AGM, but the minutes seem to be showing two vacancies for individual reps. Have I missed something?

It was great to read through Jenny’s election statement, but the other candidates for these roles don’t appear to have put forwards one. Perhaps they could look to provide one between now and the AGM?

It’s important to me to see election statements, and I hope that going forwards the minutes will (as council voted for many moons ago) denote voting records on a per person basis, so you can check whether your elected officers are voting with your best interests at heart (and in line with their election statement).


Well-known member
If we don't have an individual from last year, then two spaces can be made available this, but will the second be for one or three years?


Well-known member
It was posted on BCA website March 19th 2024, so Aiden might be somewhat incorrect that it wasn't available at beginning of April...


Active member
A decision to make in secretary, any chance of a podcast (Rostam?).
I would happily - it would be a little unfair as Allan is away at the moment.
That said, I don't have the keys to anything yet (happens at the end of the voting period, assuming reopen nominations doesn't win)

I'll try to work out if something is possible.


Well-known member
Simon, the BCA’s new IT officer, has been testing a system within council, and details of how to vote will end up in your inbox (presuming BCA has your email) shortly after the AGM next month.
I don't know if they do have my email, since my membership is through a club. I expect this will be the case for lots of other people especially students. Is there a way people can register to vote or get a reminder closer to the time?

BCA Membership

Active member
If you are a BCA member via a club the best thing to do is ask your club if they pass on email addresses to the BCA.
The vast majority of clubs do. There are about 5500 club members, and only about 400 we don't have an email address for.

You can also ask me to check - pm me on here or email membership(at)british-caving.org.uk

It won't help for this AGM but BCA will soon be moving membership to Just Go, a professional online membership management system. Once this is up and running BCA members (individual members AND club members) will be able to log in and update their own details. So if you are a member through a club that chooses not to share email addresses with BCA you will be able to add yours to your BCA membership details - and update your own address etc, if you move house.

BCA Membership

Active member
For anyone reading - if you don't think the BCA has your email address you can still add it at this stage for AGM voting.
Email me on membership(at)british-caving.org.uk
Let me know your name, BCA membership number and the email address you want adding.
Please do this ASAP so we have time to add you, ideally before noon on Friday 31st May.


Well-known member
For anyone reading - if you don't think the BCA has your email address you can still add it at this stage for AGM voting.
Email me on membership(at)british-caving.org.uk
Let me know your name, BCA membership number and the email address you want adding.
Please do this ASAP so we have time to add you, ideally before noon on Friday 31st May.
Thanks for the info.
So just to clarify on voting, will all the information I need regarding how to vote be sent to my email in due course?