• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

    The latest issue is finally complete and printed

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BCA needs a Secretary

BCA Chair

Could YOU be BCA's new Secretary?

The current Secretary (me) will not be seeking re-election at this year's AGM. I have held the job for some time and work and family commitments mean I can no longer do the job as I would like.

The Secretary is a member of BCA's Executive with overall responsibility for all BCA's operations, and is therefore a pivotal role. Appointing a committed, enthusiastic and reliable replacement is vital to BCA's long-term success.

Pleasingly, Council has recently approved the appointment of a paid Clerk to Executive, who will take away much of the administrative burden of the Secretary's role, leaving time for more strategic thinking.

If you are level-headed, have a bit of spare time on your hands, are interested in helping the development of British Caving and are good at leading people, then the job could be for you.

Even if it is not for you, but you can think of someone who might be able to fill this key position, we would be interested in hearing from you. Anyone who would like to discuss this further is welcome to contact me for further information.

Damian Weare
BCA Secretary