Dave Shearsmith
New member
Our Social media news outlets...
• Facebook: http://facebook.com/groups/britishcaver
• BCRA News forum: http://bcra.org.uk/forum
• Twitter: http://twitter.com/bcra_speleology
• UK Caving http://ukcaving.com/board/?board=86.0
In this newsletter
originated or played a major role in something like fifty television films.
International Union of Speleology (UIS)Volume 66-1 of the UIS Bulletin is now available at the following link http://uis-speleo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/UIS-Bulletin-Volume-66-1-June-2024.pdf The complete list of newsletters is also available at the following link http://uis-speleo.org/index.php/uis-bulletin-bi-annual-newsletter-2/
They also have the following websites with information regarding their annual conferences
Union Internationale de Spéléologie - www.uis-speleo.org
19th International Congress of Speleology - https://speleo2025.org/
The Hidden Earth Annual Conference(Update) 20th-23rd September atPafiliwn Llangollen Pavilion, Abbey Rd, Llangollen LL20 8SW, UK HIDDEN EARTH: the National Caving Conference. For further information please see the Hidden Earth website where you will find an extensive list of lectures and activities already advertised. Tickets are not yet available, but information will be circulated on social media when they will be available
The 2024 BCRA Cave & Karst Science Symposium and AGM will take place on Sat 12 Oct, 09:30 to 17:00 at Northumbria University
The symposium will be hosted by Chloe Snowling and Prof. Mike Rogerson at the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. This year we are excited to announce our keynote speaker, BCRA alumna and British cave explorer Prof. Gina Moseley.
The symposium will be followed by an interactive monitoring workshop on Sunday 13th October.
The call for abstracts is open until 31st August. Further details, including registration and abstract submission, are available in the 1st circular, on the BCRA forum: https://forums.british-caving.org.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1696 Further information, including a timetable, abstracts, and directions to the venue will be available later in the year on the BCRA News forum. Last-minute info will be posted to our Facebook page.
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the BCRA will take place at the end of the morning session on the 12th October. Motions to be proposed at the AGM and Nominations for Officers and Members of Council should be submitted prior to the meeting, with the full agenda published three weeks prior to the meeting. For further details on deadlines and the agenda please visit bcra.org.uk/agm.
Changes to the BCRA membership system
The move to the Just Go system is still underway however further information will follow when the new system is launched.
Cave Science and Technology Research Fund Grants
Further information and how to apply is available at the following link on the BCRA website https://bcra.org.uk/researchfund/
Information on the next BCRA seminar programme
Seminars will start again in September with Ruairidh Macleod:{ r [at] palaeome.org} as the new organiser so if you have suggestions for speakers, please send them to him. For further information, including details of how to log on see bcra.org.uk/seminars. Any Last-minute changes to the programme will be posted to our Facebook site
The next council meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th September via zoom 20.00 to 21.30 Further information is available on the BCRA website
Supporting BCRA.
Members will note that there has been a lack of field meetings since the end of Covid restrictions and we encourage anyone willing to organise a meeting to contact the secretary. Further information regarding supporting BCRA is available at the following link https://bcra.org.uk/volunteer/index.html
IT Support
We would also welcome support from members who have experience with IT / web services. The IT team have also identified tasks that could be undertaken by anyone with basic skills, and which would ease the load. If you feel that you can assist, please contact the secretary: bcra-secretary@bcra.org.uk
The next newsletter will be at the end of August 2024
Our Social media news outlets...
• Facebook: http://facebook.com/groups/britishcaver
• BCRA News forum: http://bcra.org.uk/forum
• Twitter: http://twitter.com/bcra_speleology
• UK Caving http://ukcaving.com/board/?board=86.0
In this newsletter
- Sid Perou Caving and Filming legend
- International Union of Speleology
- Hidden Earth Update
- The 2024 BCRA Cave & Karst Science Symposium and AGM
- Changes to BCRA membership system update
- CSTRF grants
- Information on the rest of this year’s seminar programme
- Next Council Meeting
- Supporting BCRA
originated or played a major role in something like fifty television films.
International Union of Speleology (UIS)Volume 66-1 of the UIS Bulletin is now available at the following link http://uis-speleo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/UIS-Bulletin-Volume-66-1-June-2024.pdf The complete list of newsletters is also available at the following link http://uis-speleo.org/index.php/uis-bulletin-bi-annual-newsletter-2/
They also have the following websites with information regarding their annual conferences
Union Internationale de Spéléologie - www.uis-speleo.org
19th International Congress of Speleology - https://speleo2025.org/
The Hidden Earth Annual Conference(Update) 20th-23rd September atPafiliwn Llangollen Pavilion, Abbey Rd, Llangollen LL20 8SW, UK HIDDEN EARTH: the National Caving Conference. For further information please see the Hidden Earth website where you will find an extensive list of lectures and activities already advertised. Tickets are not yet available, but information will be circulated on social media when they will be available
The 2024 BCRA Cave & Karst Science Symposium and AGM will take place on Sat 12 Oct, 09:30 to 17:00 at Northumbria University
The symposium will be hosted by Chloe Snowling and Prof. Mike Rogerson at the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. This year we are excited to announce our keynote speaker, BCRA alumna and British cave explorer Prof. Gina Moseley.
The symposium will be followed by an interactive monitoring workshop on Sunday 13th October.
The call for abstracts is open until 31st August. Further details, including registration and abstract submission, are available in the 1st circular, on the BCRA forum: https://forums.british-caving.org.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1696 Further information, including a timetable, abstracts, and directions to the venue will be available later in the year on the BCRA News forum. Last-minute info will be posted to our Facebook page.
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the BCRA will take place at the end of the morning session on the 12th October. Motions to be proposed at the AGM and Nominations for Officers and Members of Council should be submitted prior to the meeting, with the full agenda published three weeks prior to the meeting. For further details on deadlines and the agenda please visit bcra.org.uk/agm.
Changes to the BCRA membership system
The move to the Just Go system is still underway however further information will follow when the new system is launched.
Cave Science and Technology Research Fund Grants
Further information and how to apply is available at the following link on the BCRA website https://bcra.org.uk/researchfund/
Information on the next BCRA seminar programme
Seminars will start again in September with Ruairidh Macleod:{ r [at] palaeome.org} as the new organiser so if you have suggestions for speakers, please send them to him. For further information, including details of how to log on see bcra.org.uk/seminars. Any Last-minute changes to the programme will be posted to our Facebook site
The next council meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th September via zoom 20.00 to 21.30 Further information is available on the BCRA website
Supporting BCRA.
Members will note that there has been a lack of field meetings since the end of Covid restrictions and we encourage anyone willing to organise a meeting to contact the secretary. Further information regarding supporting BCRA is available at the following link https://bcra.org.uk/volunteer/index.html
IT Support
We would also welcome support from members who have experience with IT / web services. The IT team have also identified tasks that could be undertaken by anyone with basic skills, and which would ease the load. If you feel that you can assist, please contact the secretary: bcra-secretary@bcra.org.uk
The next newsletter will be at the end of August 2024