BCRA Online Archive - BSA Metadata


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The BSA Records collection in the BCRA Online Archive is huge—280 volumes and about 37,000 photographs. Each item has a structured catalogue number, and there is a pull-down browser on the first page of the collection, based on the catalogue, intended to help find a required object. Nevertheless, with some volumes containing over a thousand images, it can still be a daunting task.

When Alan Jeffreys and John Manchip from the Grampian Speleological Group photographed the 40,000 or so pages in the BSA Records, they constructed metadata for the collection as they did so. Currently, only a small portion of the metadata is available, and it is unclear how much it will help in navigating the collection in the future.

We do, however, have the metadata for the seven photo albums together with the four volumes of negatives (which are presented in the archive as large-resolution prints). The important differentiation between them is not just the resolution, but the prints, unlike the negatives, have been captioned. There are a little short of 1,700 of these photos.

The metadata links the negatives to the prints, so it has been processed to offer the following facilities:
  1. A pull-down list is available for viewing the contents of a volume of negatives.
  2. The caption found on the print is included as a user contribution for each negative, together with a link to the associated photo album page.
  3. A user contribution on each photo album page contains links to the appropriate high-resolution negative.
An example may be found here.

We hope this will prove to be useful.

It is not viable to check that every link is correct, so if you do encounter any anomalies, please let me know.