Bit of old litter in GG


Well-known member
Today, In the area of the iron ladder where you go up to Far Country etc, I found three short length of scrap angle iron (average 300 mm), part of an old belt and an old sardine tin (clean and non smelly). I moved these in the right direction but had avery heavy load of diving gear and didn't really want to fetch them through Short Hensler's. So I left them at the junction where Disappointment Pot joins Hensler's Passage.

I meant to mention this to the folk in camp in case anyone fancied bringing them out, but forgot. As the public meet starts tomorrow and several entrances are ready rigged for visiting cavers, would anyone like to continue moving these bits in the right direction, out to an entrance?

Just saying . . .


Active member
I shall be heading that way at some point so if its not been moved I shall take them a bit further in the right direction:D.
See you over the W/E.


Well-known member
I shall be heading that way at some point so if its not been moved I shall take them a bit further in the right direction:D.
See you over the W/E.

Good man! Maybe you could update folk on here if you do manage to shift them along.


Active member
I'm hoping to get down Marilyn next week. I'd be happy to remove anything that I come across... if it can be left somewhere convenient/obvious.


Active member
I didn’t see any rubbish in Marilyn/Henslers today, so hopefully this has now been removed from the system. Either that or I should wear my glasses underground.


Well-known member
Nope - it was still there today as I came past. I was using the only tacklebag I had with me to carry loose camera equipment and tripod, so didn't really want 3 short lengths of angle iron jangling around in the same bag or it could have proved expensive! However, I did mention it to two CPC mates who were heading down Marilyn as I came out and they said they'd scoop up the rubbish if they had room in a bag.

Incidentally I think - don't quote me on this - that Marilyn and the lower part of Disappointment Pot will now have been derigged. But be guided by what it says in future announcements in the main GG winch meet topic.
(Just saying, in case it helps you plan a visit tomorrow.)


Well-known member
Talking of rubbish in GG, I've been trying to reach an old boiler suit in the bedding half-way up the Bar Pot big pitch for the last 30 years, without success. If anybody happens to have a walking pole with them when prussiking past, it would be great if they could retrieve it.


Well-known member
I once got told (long time ago!) that it belonged to Ken Pearce!

You're right Langcliffe, it's high time that got shifted.

Also, just before you arrive at the head of the big pitch, the rope passes to the left of a gigantic jammed boulder which is part of the platform at the pitch head. To the right of it a5t thios level is a gulley in which there's a dead boot, together with a few other sundry items. If anyone is swinging about on that pitch with a walking pole, maybe you could try to dislodge this material too?


Well-known member
Also, just before you arrive at the head of the big pitch, the rope passes to the left of a gigantic jammed boulder which is part of the platform at the pitch head. To the right of it a5t thios level is a gulley in which there's a dead boot, together with a few other sundry items. If anyone is swinging about on that pitch with a walking pole, maybe you could try to dislodge this material too?
Yes, I was looking at that, yesterday. I last cleared out the rubbish from that platform about ten years ago. It's easy to shift as the ledge slopes downwards.


Active member
After some trips via marilyn and bar I was going to contact the CPC and BPC to see if they could help during a winch meet to get stuff out. There is loads of rubbish in Bar Pot, not only the oversuit but under the boulder at the top of the pitch, a shoe/welly and loads of other batteries and dropped stuff. Once you get your eye in, Bar really does need a good clean up. I found numerous beer and sardine tins in Sand Cavern, unfortunately I was caring radio gear and so filling the bag with rubbish wouldn't have gone down so well, but i left them in the collection of digging trays. If you keep an eye out as you travel through Dis the shelves have old batteries and little piles of carbide ever so often. Needs strong bags for the rubbish to go in inside a tackle sacks to ensure it doesn't end up on rope or other PPE.

Langcliffe I think some of these are needed I have some I could drop with Graham for you if you like?


Active member
So what would encourage people to bring a bit out or tidy up a bit of the cave? Would leaving a few rubble stacks at key points encourage people to fill them if they were clearly labelled what they are for and that you didn't have to take out what you collected, is bringing out what you collect stopping people collecting. Any thoughts or ideas?

What should be done with the little white powdery piles, should they be washed from ledges into streamways where possible or should it only be carried out? Old batteries and the spent bide clear need to be kept away from PPE and rope etc.

Discuss, then I guess more importantly how to implement...


Well-known member
Langcliffe I think some of these are needed I have some I could drop with Graham for you if you like?
Unfortunately, Sam, osteoarthritis in my left ankle now makes walking up to GG with ropes a difficult experience, so my annual trips up to Bar Pot to clear up the litter are no longer feasible. I even had to carry walking poles through Swinsto today!


Active member
Talking of rubbish in GG, I've been trying to reach an old boiler suit in the bedding half-way up the Bar Pot big pitch for the last 30 years, without success. If anybody happens to have a walking pole with them when prussiking past, it would be great if they could retrieve it.
Langcliffe pulled this out today from that ledge. I’m now not sure this was the item it seemed further behind a block than I remember and I didn’t spot it til the way out but I have left it on Graham’s doorstep for you.


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Well-known member
Langcliffe pulled this out today from that ledge. I’m now not sure this was the item it seemed further behind a block than I remember and I didn’t spot it til the way out but I have left it on Graham’s doorstep for you.
Well done, but I'm not sure that Graham will be grateful!


Active member
Well done, but I'm not sure that Graham will be grateful!

Unfortunately, Sam, osteoarthritis in my left ankle now makes walking up to GG with ropes a difficult experience, so my annual trips up to Bar Pot to clear up the litter are no longer feasible. I even had to carry walking poles through Swinsto today!
Langcliffe just re reading this thread. You were doing annual litter picks in bar. It’s I that should be saying well done and thank you to Not other way round. Hopefully it might inspire someone else to take it one or consider bringing out some rubbish.