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PRIRODOSLOVNE ZNAČAJKE RIJEKE DUBROVAČKE / OMBLA / NATURAL CHARACTERISTIC OF THE RIJEKA DUBROVAČKA by Marijana Cukrov and Romana Ozimec  2014  216 pp, colour photos on most pages.  The Ombla River is a massive karst resurgence on the outskirts of Dubrovnik, a city in Croatia on the Adriatic Sea in the region of Dalmatia.  The source of the Ombla is the Popovo Polje and surrounding area in Bosnia and Herzegovina, consequently the Ombla Spring is the largest permanent karst spring in the southern Adriatic Region.  There are numerous caves in the area which the authors claim are associated with the Ombla Spring.  About 137 m above the Spring is Vilina Cave, which is 3 km long and famous for its rare cave animals and archaeological remains.  The latter ??was hauled out of the cave by the sack full.?  They are described as?... an extraordinary archaeological site of Prehistoric, Hellenistic and Roman civilizations, serving as a cult site during a continuous period of over 3000 years, up to the 4th century CE.?  [= Common Era or BC 400]  Other caves in the area include Sumporača Velika [large] and Sumporača Mala [small] which are sulphur caves, and Močilska Cave and Gromača Cave ??which have been declared geomorphological natural monuments due to their uniqueness.?  HB glazed boards, in Croatian and English (half and half).
