Brading Roman Villa


Well-known member
Been on the Isle of Wight.  In the large shed that covers part of the villa is a reference to Bradford Pothole Club investigating a well there, with a suggested sort of 'chamber' at the bottom as opposed the usual straight down shaft.  Anyone know of any references? Many thanks!


Active member
The BPC have done several wells on the IOW including removing 13000 coins from
the well in Carisbrook Castle !These are now on view the castle in a large Plastic  cylinder .


New member
braveduck said:
All the wells dropped into chalk there were no voids or caverns unfortunately.
Given that the wells are in chalk and blind, how did you cope with the CO2 build-up?

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Back in the 60s I took part (at the surface) in a Chelsea dig in a very deep well at Findon, Sussex. I don't recall any ventilation system for the diggers at the bottom. Odd?



Well-known member
ZombieCake said:
Whereabouts in Findon was it, if you don't mind me asking?

I guess it was on Well Lane??  You have just reminded me of something I had never thought of before....another post will follow in a few minutes...



Well-known member
Maybe not Well lane as that does seem to exist, but I have worked out where I got that idea from. Looking in my late wife's address book I see that some old friends of hers moved from London to Findon in, I guess, the early 80s. I don't think she saw them afterwards, but Christmas cards were exchanged for years and the address was Well Cottage, Cross Lane, Findon. For some reason I never connected the address with the well we dug. So perhaps it was on Cross Lane.

Anyway, somewhere I have the original sheet of paper I was given to get myself there in 1967 or 1968. I'll try to find that tomorrow (I have just got home from work).

As you may have guessed, Harry Pearman was heavily involved in the project. There is bound to be a write up in the Chelsea journals of that time. It was very deep!



Well-known member
Brilliant most appreciated, Findon is within my range so will have a look, Cross Lane is right in the middle of Findon Village (thanks to Google).  I knew spending all that cash in Tony Jarrett's shop in times past would be useful one day.  If you find the bit of paper I'd be grateful for a copy.  There's a few legends around Worthing / Findon and Cissbury ring and alleged tunnels.


Well-known member
Now I see the date on this I am reminded it was Easter 1970 when I was back in Kent from Wales. I borrowed my Dad's car. I hardly ever had use of a car so I started before dawn and went to Findon via Hosey Common Rag Mine and a mine at Merstham. The car blew up before I got to Findon and was towed to a garage in Worthing and I hitched back to Findon.


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