Call for speakers for a cave conservation festival


Active member
Hi all,

I'm organising a (very) small cave conservation event at Bull Pot Farm (Yorkshire Dales) and I'm looking for speakers for the evening.

It will be one weekend in September. Date to be arranged soon.

The vague plan is to have conservation activities small and large, above and below ground, during the day (hopefully with prizes), then talks in the evening, with beer at a reasonable price.

If you'd like to do a talk (can be any length and anything related to cave conservation including surface access) or would like to suggest someone, please contact me here or send me an email: conservation at RRCPC dot org dot uk.

The room at the farm where we have talks holds 20 to 30 people at most so if this goes to plan there will be a rolling audience :)



Mark Wright

Well-known member

I have a full PA system you can borrow. I'm sure someone from CHECC will vouch for its suitability.

Collection from Sheffield.

PM me.



Active member


Well-known member
That's quite impressive, Leclused. (Incidentally, is a crate of beer an essential piece of caving kit in Belgium?)
Hi all,

I'm organising a (very) small cave conservation event at Bull Pot Farm (Yorkshire Dales) and I'm looking for speakers for the evening.

It will be one weekend in September. Date to be arranged soon.

The vague plan is to have conservation activities small and large, above and below ground, during the day (hopefully with prizes), then talks in the evening, with beer at a reasonable price.

If you'd like to do a talk (can be any length and anything related to cave conservation including surface access) or would like to suggest someone, please contact me here or send me an email: conservation at RRCPC dot org dot uk.

The room at the farm where we have talks holds 20 to 30 people at most so if this goes to plan there will be a rolling audience :)


Sorry a mistake I do not know how I got this message on
The very capable HANNAH RRCPC is organising I do think it will be a good do all the best

cap n chris

Well-known member
Squaring the circle is a tricky balancing act; cavers want access but caves need conserving. Cleaning up after it's muddy is secondary; avoiding becoming muddy is where Dagobert rocks! Do cavers really worry about conservation, or are they focussed on easy access, preferably without restriction(s)? Interesting stuff. However the equation works, we know for sure that once a cave is discovered it is affected by visit(s).


Active member
I don’t want to take all credits. It’s more a club mentality and I want to especially mention Paul De Bie who made the presentation and did a lot more for cave conservation then anyone else (in Belgium)

In our club it has become a natural reflex during exploration. It often occurs during explo that we stop and do some conservation first before we resume the exploration.


Active member
Thanks mrodoc and Leclused, great stuff.

mrodoc yes please to video(s) and photos anything else you can share, much appreciated.