Cave Conservation Rewards


Staff member
Hey, AR, Andrew Wilson and MikeyP well done with your clean up efforts.

UKcaving hope to be at Hidden Earth this year.  We will have a special box of small reward items to give away to anyone who has posted about there good conservation clean ups on here.

We still have a few larger rewards, tackle bags etc for any larger scale work.

Please keep your posts coming as they encourage others and make litter picking a normal part of caving trips.

(y) (y)


Well-known member
Not after any rewardz, but we pulled a load of litter out of Suicide Cave in Winnats Pass the other day, though how long it'll stay like that remains to be seen.


New member
:clap: Thank you so much for that.  We have been sending molegrips and junior hacksaws up with anyone we were aware of that were doing ROV but unfortunately the trips were abandoned for various reasons.  We can now tick that one off the list.


Staff member
On a trip to visit Sink Chamber via Shale Cavern in Lost Johns recently we happened upon three old bits of wood and some rusting metal items as can be seen in the photo.  The rusty tin disintegrated in the tackle bag on the way out so is only crumbs in the picture.


It isn't much stuff and I pondered why nobody had taken it out before because my caving companion took it out without a single complaint, although to be honest he didn't know I had slipped the items into his bag.  ;)

So there really is no excuse for not bringing old rubbish out of caves.



Active member
A few months ago 2 members of our club noticed a real household dump in a cave: Ancienne Carriere in Rochefort - Belgium. Not far from the entrance a mixture of items were dumped: clothing, golf clubs, a tent, carton, baby stuff,...

Everthing was already wet and smelly.

Now it was time to clean it up. Two members filled their trailer completely and drove it to the containterpark.

Some pics of the action can be seen here (mid part of the article, the first part is about the installation of bat freindly gates)





Well-known member
Excellent work  (y)
I particularly liked the "bag of frivolous lingerie" ("zakje met frivole lingerie") - surely you didn't throw that away??

Also interesting that you had to persuade the police you were taking rubbish out, rather than dumping it! In the UK, it would be a miracle if the police noticed you dumping the entire contents of a house in the countryside.  Or so it would appear.


Sadly I don't have any photos, but on a trip down Disappointment we discovered the sole of a shoe, an old drag tray, a pair of trousers, and some other miscellaneous pieces of material - all before we got to Hensler's Master Cave.

On our trip through to the Far Country we added several scraps of rope, some survey markers and bits of plastic, a vintage scaffold clip, an old line reel, as well as quite a few Roses wrappers found bobbing around in the Far Waters. :spank:

A lack of tackle sack space meant we couldn't remove the large amount of plastic sheeting from Rivendell that certainly didn't look like it was serving a purpose. Adam also discovered a bundle of wire in New Henslers on his way out, which also had to be left due to a lack of space.


Staff member
Inspiring stuff, Leclused, thanks for posting.  Are you at Hidden Earth? We'd like to meet you and we are hoping to have a goodie box for those who have contributed to this thread.

Brilliant attitude to conservation MarkS and friends.  Same applies to you guys.

Thanks from all of us.


Active member
Pegasus said:
Inspiring stuff, Leclused, thanks for posting.  Are you at Hidden Earth? We'd like to meet you and we are hoping to have a goodie box for those who have contributed to this thread.

I don't think I can make it. I'am on expedition until the 24th of september so that would mean that I have to leave the next week-end already to Hidden Earth. I don't think that the missy will approve this.



Manor Vale (2) Cave in Kirbymoorside has been the subject of occasional exploration over the modern decades - since it was cut into by a quarry in Victorian times. Until recently; the cave was in a working council yard and had been used as a ?tip? by local people over a considerable period of time. The cave was also frequented by an occasional badger - which has been discussed on UK caving during the new phase of exploration.
When YCC / NYMCC and MSG members began focussing Wed?s night digging efforts on Manor Vale 2 the cave was in a truly shocking state. The entrance is behind a disused building and initially involved a flat out crawl through decades of accumulated general rubbish; including - glass; assorted ironwork and discarded paint cans - all topped off with delightful quantities of mud (not exactly ?glacial?); copious badger excrement & badger bedding.
While the ?working face? of the Manor Vale dig was splendidly free of rubbish and actually very cave?like the entrance approaches were dire. In order to improve access an extended clean-up was undertaken by members during ?rests? from digging activities. Once started; this became a bit of an obsession (amongst a few) and silly amounts of material were removed from the cave ? with the ever present risk of infection from cuts (Thanks must go to the Co-op in Kirbymoorside for the use of their facilities for one particularly nasty deep glass cut).
The clean-up unearthed some splendid examples of Victorian bottles which appeared to have been untouched since the 1850?s or so. In the floor we also got down to glacial mud after digging out well over four feet of rubbish and were therefore the first persons to see what the Rev Buckland saw (and documented in Reliquiae Diluvanae ? page 53) back in 1823.
The current position is that the entrance passage to Manor Vale (2) is a drop down into a standing height chamber with a ?grotto? and the continuation is a hands and knees crawl in the roof of an eight foot diameter phreatic tube which leads to two active dig sites - well beyond the previous extent of the rubbish.
The cave entrance is still behind a disused building; so is not very ?pretty? and ?Chalky? has started to use the nice new entrance passage & spacious ?grotto? for his usual assorted digging paraphernalia - which he will eventually be forced to remove in order to bring the cave truly back to its natural state.

For before and after pictures see link -


Active member
SUSS is working on a project to clear out Keith "Ben" Bentham's legacy of old digging kit from Ben's Dig in P8, Derbyshire.

I've made a thread following the project here:

I'll update that thread as we go along and post here once we're done  :)


This modest little collection came out from the bottom of Car Pot yesterday.


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Well-known member
Anyone else think the bit of cloth and dark material above it looks like an ancient body with a hat you might see come out of a glacier or peat bog?  You can see sort of 'legs' and an 'arm' going from top left down to the right.  Art I suppose.


Active member
Recovered from the Rowten Sumps yesterday:
  • Petzl Simple
  • Alloy krab
  • Troll hanger
  • An old number 3


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Staff member
I noticed these few bits down Notts 2 a couple of years ago.  They were still in the same place the other day.  Anyhow the half bag of plaster had gone off  :) so out they came.  Hoping to do more next year.
