Cave in Brixham - Behind Dolphin Court Apartments on Overgang?


New member
mrodoc said:
Thanks for keeping us posted.

I've had a request from my boss for a survey of the cave.  Anyone have one available?  We intend to georeference it to the cliff for design this is very good news indeed!


New member
OK folks, the good news, my boss just finished the stabilisation designs and submitted them.  The cave entrance will not be affected by the stabilisation works that we have proposed.  However, the party representing the house at the top of the cliff has retained another consulting geologist to design works to restore their patio.  I believe there is a piling recommendation which will be sympathetic to our bolting stabilisation or vice/versa.  The patio and piling is being undertaken by John Grimes Partnership, and I believe they are looking to undertake a laser scan of the cave as part of their works.  I will contact the project lead there and see if I can find out if that is, in fact, going to be undertaken, and if a copy of it can be made public.  No promises, but worth asking.  We don't have a time frame for the actual contractor works at this stage, but I'm hopeful that the cave will once again be accessible following completion of the works.  Again, no promises, but it is indeed my hope. The landowners may have a different view, however.  I'll try to post more when I do know.


New member
Little update on progress.  Works have been underway since October to first remove the damaged and displaced patio, with stabilisation staring in November with very slow drilling and grouting after extensive block removal.  As expected, this is some of the most complex and challenging drilling imaginable which has made for very poor progress, hard working conditions, and a lot of design modifications.  Had we been able to put a big gunnite patch on it, this would have been much easier, but bearing in mind the little flyers and the geological interest of the quarry face, we had to be a little bit more subtle.  Disruption to the entrance of the cave is still minimal (except for the occasional falling block during scaling) but until works are complete we won't be able to re-survey the cave to know for sure.  Numerous voids, including solution features and dilated fractures, have been found in the cliff face, none of which significant for cave potential, but from an engineering standpoint they are noteworthy (and problematic).  We are hoping stabilisation works will be finished in late January 2018 and will update on access at that point.  Its been emotional....


Well-known member
Just as an aside, as a youth, half a century ago, I remember descending the cliff on the south side of Berry Head and traversing the limestone slabs at half height to a point probably due south of the trig point. I found a rift, floored with calcite crystals, which I explored for a few feet. Does it do anywhere?


Active member
grahams said:
Just as an aside, as a youth, half a century ago, I remember descending the cliff on the south side of Berry Head and traversing the limestone slabs at half height to a point probably due south of the trig point. I found a rift, floored with calcite crystals, which I explored for a few feet. Does it do anywhere?
NGR needed.  There are numerous caves in this area.  There is even a book on  it!


Well-known member
The best book is Chris Proctor's Atlas of Berry Head Caves publsihed in 1987. I would need a better description to identify your cave but suspect it is Grotty Hole No. I. There are several rift caves in the quarry itself and underwater plus some caves further round towards Durl Head both above and below sea level.


Well-known member
Thanks for your replies. I can't be more accurate regarding the location as it's a loooong time ago but I'll try to find the place on my next visit.


New member
another update - apologies I haven't been able to follow much on the stabilisation works as I've been working abroad the past few months, but my colleagues have updated me today.  The stabilisation works are nearly completed.  We've had positive support from the ecologist as there were roosting bats that have remained undisturbed throughout the works (hooray!).  The entrance has been preserved.  I will be approaching the owners when work is complete to discuss regaining access for sport cavers and finding a way forward for permissions.  They may be a bit nervous given the huge amount of money spent on the stabilisation but I do hope to win them round so we can continue to enjoy this little beauty.  We are hoping works will be completed and the contractor off site in a couple weeks time.  There may still be closures when reinstatement works for the top property commence, but as we are not representing that client, unfortunately I don't have any information on their intended works.

So far so good.  We keep a cave and it is safer than before!  Fingers crossed we still get to go in it!


Well-known member
If you do then the access arrangement will be improved as it was always a bit vague! It is a very well preserved cave with some nice formations in it and possible potential for extension.


Well-known member
I gather access is still tricky but for the life of me I cannot remember who gave me the most recent update! Just for interest I took a member of the family after which the cave is named down Pridhamsleigh a couple of years ago. She wanted to record water sounds underground.