• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

    The latest issue is finally complete and printed

    Subscribers should have received their issue in the post - please let us know if you haven't. For everyone else, the online version is now available for free download:

    Click here for download link

Cave rescue in Brazil

This rescue is in northwest PERU and has been going on for over a week now. A Spanish cave( resuer)r fell 5m at a depth of 400m several km into the cave he was exploring on a multinational expedition and has a spinal injury. There being very few Peruvian cavers to help, Spanish cavers have been going out to help voluntarily in increasing numbers...


Active member
Latest news from The Daily Fail  2 Oct 2014 p 28 is that Cecilio Lopez has been brought to the surface and that a military helicopter will take him to the capitol Lima.
