CHECC Competitions '19


CHECC Competitions '19

Drumroll please? It's time to get competitive guys - only in a friendly wholesome way, ok? It's CHECC competition time!! All entries (unless otherwise stated) to be entered to the relevant thread on UKCaving!

We're still finalising details so keep checking back here regularly as there will be more competitions and prizes added! With further hesitation here's the list!

Ultimate Caving Club of the Year - Winner receives Hut Nuts @ TSG, Ladder (Starless River), AV Tacklesack (AV), Toghtags, Volumes 1 and 2 of Caves and Karst of the Yorkshire Dales (BCRA) + many more to be added in due course!

Last year it was Lancaster, will it be your club this year? It won't if you don't enter the competitions below! Once again, the winner of the Ultimate Club will be determined by a points system. Points are gained by entering the other competitions so, what you waiting for, chop chop! If Brexit finally happens, that shinny shinny CHECC shield maybe useful y'know ;)

?Our club over the last year? ? Sponsored by BCA. Prize of ?75 for winning club.


Write a short piece about what your club has been up too over the last year. Tell us everything from Fresher trips, expeditions and holidays, interesting or unique trips, and any difficulties you?ve had that the BCA or CHECC can potentially help with. Look forward to reading!

Caving Article Fit For National Geographic ? Sponsored by National Geographic.  Prize is a 1 year subscription National Geographic.

A new addition to the list of sponsors this year. Not sure if you?ve heard of them but they release a monthly magazine. The magazine contains numerous interesting articles on everything from adventure, culture, travel and occasionally caving. Your challenge is to write an article suitable for this little known publication. Any aspect of speleology is allowed! The inclusion of photos, drawings, anecdotes and humour are encouraged!

How would you spend ?75 to help your club? - Sponsored by BCA


Write a proposal on how you would spend ?75 to help your club. Does someone need a Midas test or have you got any particularly worn oversuits that need replacing? The winner will then get the money to help put it into action!

Photography Workshop ? Sponsored by MyFenix. Prize is a Fenix HL55 headlamp for winning individual.


Best photograph from the photography workshop. The prize of arguably the most popular caving is a great addition to your photography kit so we look forward to seeing the winner upload a number of cracking cave snaps over the next academic year.

Which club deserves 200m of nice shiny new rope and why? ? Sponsored by UKCaving and Spanset. Prize is self-explanatory right????




Are any clubs you know of currently struggling for rope? A particularly club gone the extra mile recently to overcome difficulties and could really do with some rope to help? Or do some southern clubs just need to get out of Mendip and actually head to some proper caves? ;) Let us know who deserves this rope and why! You are allowed to nominate your own club.

Squeeze Machine Winner ? Sponsored by Warmbac. Winner will win a shiny new SRT Bag.


Again, fairly self-explanatory! Hope you?ve kept those caving weekend dinners on the small size! Prize for the winner will be a tacklesack (let?s see how you squeeze through 14cm with your spanking new bag full of rocks ;)) and mystery prize for one who makes the best effort!

Making Friends Competition - Hut Nights and SRT Wall @ YSS 

This one is a bit different. As you know one thing that is great about our student caving family is that we are so well connected. We all regularly run joint trips, go on each others holidays and expeditions, and of course help each other out when needed. The aim of this competition is to get clubs talking to one another and sharing knowledge and experiences on how they are clubs are run. We encourage you to share the difficulties and how they can be overcome. Specifically, we want to you help each other out and share how you teach SRT to new members. On Sunday we will then decide together which club is need of use of YSS SRT Wall to teach their members the rope (pun intended) ;)

Video Competition - Prizes will be Wookey Hole Book (Sponsored by BCRA) and another prize to be announced soon :)

You know the drill with this one! Let's see what weird shenanigans you've been up to in caves this year...

SRT Assault Course - Hut Nights @ Shepton

OK, firstly congratulations, you?ve proved you know way around rope.  Now let?s see how you handle 20? Pot and Thirteen Pot on Mendip! Keep us updated on how that goes. No cheating by using jammers, OK?

Photography Competition ? Sponsored by AV. Prize of AV Waist bag.

Show us your best snaps from the last year! Would be great to see what you budding Robbie Shone?s have been taking photos of. From the funny to serious, worthy of a prize at HE to the down right crap, we want to see them!! What?s the worse that could happen, you could win.

Best Fresher?s Trip Report ? Sponsored by Petzl. A prize is a shinny new Boreo Helmet

So you?ve just started your university adventure and you decide to join the caving club? Nice one! Good choice, welcome on behalf of CHECC! Would you like to win yourself your first bit of caving kit? Well, tell us about one of your trips underground an your in with a chance of getting yourself a lovely helmet! Plus, you get to pick the size and the colour :p

BEC Advertisement - Hut Nights @ The Belfry
Write a letting agent style advertisement for the Belfry



New member
Has someone managed to crash the photo competition forum thread? Cardiff I'm looking at you. I just get a white blank page.
Everything else seems to be working fine.


Well-known member
StarburstCLA said:
Has someone managed to crash the photo competition forum thread? Cardiff I'm looking at you. I just get a white blank page.
Everything else seems to be working fine.

The forum managed to survive Aber Uni's photos a few years ago; it should be able to withstand whatever Cardiff can throw at it :p


Closing date will be Midnight on Friday the 22nd unless otherwise stated!!

Also, once again a massive thanks to our sponsors for their generous donations!


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Deadline for all the competitions (apart from the obvious ones like squeeze machine etc) is 3PM on Saturday!

This gives me time to get you late rising cavers on Saturday to enter some comps!
