Customers Stuck in Pub


Storm Arwen: Customers spend second night at Britain's highest pub


Well-known member
Well, if an Oasis tribute band count as 'essential travel', I guess this is what you get. I can only hope that the band haven't been doing post-Oasis solo acoustic numbers, by the respective brothers' impersonators, in order to keep peoples' spirits up. It could get ugly - especially if the eventual helicopter rescue team are Blur fans.


Active member
Standard Tan Hill self publicising utter rubbish. There?s bugger all snow, the road is pretty much bare even in those pics! I?ve just been most of the way to see to some sheep in a vw van!
I?ve got a pic somewhere of a pickup parked outside the bedroom windows, that was a snowy day, this is their usual irritating rubbish!


Well-known member


As long as.. nobody forget their earplugs and were wearing their lucky drinking pants, it could be easily manageable. They'd have tales to tell their grandkids about the time they were trapped by snow drifting centimetres deep in places nothing to do but drink. HEROES the lot of them


Give any backpacker a guitar and you'll get a performance of Wonderwall... And I'd walk through much worse than a snowstorm to get away from it.


JAA said:
Standard Tan Hill self publicising utter rubbish. There?s bugger all snow, the road is pretty much bare even in those pics! I?ve just been most of the way to see to some sheep in a vw van!
I?ve got a pic somewhere of a pickup parked outside the bedroom windows, that was a snowy day, this is their usual irritating rubbish!

That's strange because according to Grough at

The Kirkby Stephen (Mountain Rescue) team posted a video of conditions en route to Tan Hill, north of the Yorkshire Dales, on Saturday during which they rescued three occupants of a vehicle and their three dogs, and also came across four more people stranded in blizzard conditions.


Well-known member
If you look at the photos you will see the road past the pub is clear. There has been little snow here and certainly nothing that would impede someone with winter tyres.

The pub puts this out every year at some point. It sucks in punters from the burbs, and there is no doubt it works. If global warming advances far enough they?ll probably have to invest in a snow machine.



Active member
It's a very long time since I was last up there but from memory, the road past the pub is very exposed so maybe it's not surprising that the snow has been blown off it. I suspect there might be some pretty deep drifts on more sheltered parts of the road which might make driving difficult, even with winter tyres and a 4x4 (and I wonder how many people up there had actually bothered with winter tyres).

However, you could be right....


Fjell said:
If you look at the photos you will see the road past the pub is clear. There has been little snow here and certainly nothing that would impede someone with winter tyres.

The pub puts this out every year at some point. It sucks in punters from the burbs, and there is no doubt it works. If global warming advances far enough they?ll probably have to invest in a snow machine.

Maybe. Perhaps those at the pub didn't have 4x4s or winter tyres?  I find it difficult to believe that in this instance that Kirkby Stephen Mountain Rescue team were also helping out with the pub's self-publicity efforts... Just saying...

Anyway, I just thought it was an interesting story being stuck in a pub for 3 days.

Here is the video of the conditions on the road on Saturday:


We tried to get there when it was in the news in 2010 I think. We figured it would be funny to stroll in and order a pint as if it were any other day.

Despite best efforts, we couldn't manage the last mile of two, even in a well kitted out Land Rover...


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They also had a few snapped/damaged electricity posts across parts of the road.

It was bad enough here and that's some 50 miles from the coast and quite sheltered, the northern bank of the river is about 200 ft high and quite steep, even so the bottom of the garden was littered with debris from the woods and some bits were quite large enough to give a very bad headache.

Anywhere exposed to the north would have got getting on for 90 mph gusts, I tried walking over the Carneddau plateau in 40/50mph and gave up because the collie couldn't keep her paws gripping the, admittedly snowy, ground.

I don't mind Tan hill milking it for a bit of PR but they almost certainly knew what was coming but still put the band and their customers at some risk, it probably would have been much less fun if the wind and snow had been a few hours earlier, driving in drifting snow is silly at the best of times, in darkness it's quite close to madness.



Well-known member
It was absolute carnage on the Friday night when people were arriving for CHECC. There were trees being blown down everywhere; over the weekend I saw a car upside-down on the A65 near Austwick (patch of ice) and there was another one somewhere (near Ribblehead?). I heard there were at least four trees blocking roads around Ingleton including around the Marton Arms and blocking the junction at the top of Ingleton on the way to both White Scar and the Clapham old road. A tree was also blocking the road between Langcliffe and Settle at one point. There was a car on the way to CHECC that was unable to continue because it got hit by a falling tree. There were of course the more normal things like a car that wouldn't start because the battery had died in the cold, plus the power cut on the Friday night, and a tent that ended up in a river (I think blown in?)...

And that was without too much snow - I imagine it was a nightmare with drifting snow on any high road!


It was a tad windy wasn't it. Even down on Mendip there were plenty of trees down.

I had the foresight to chuck the chainsaw in the back of the car on Saturday morning, which came in handy when the road was blocked up by GB. Public service plus free logs  :)