• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition



Well-known member
I've had a contact from Olivier Vidal at the FFS in France who wants to know if anyone in the UK knows anything about, or has any contacts for, caves and cavers in Cyprus.

Please post here and/or PM me if you can help.

Hi Nick.
Tim Lamberton (BEC and Cardiff Uni) goes there regularly as that's where his dad lives.  I'll have a word with him but don't think he's done much in the way of caving out there.  If all else fails he can probably point people in the right direction, though.