Dales Earthquakes today


Active member
Two Earthquakes today in Ramsgill . Not too big but not tiny either .
So take care  in Goyden are next time you can get in .There have already
have been some boulder falls in there recently . This could have made
things worse .Please take care ! Pitlamp please note .


Well-known member
Thanks Braveduck.

For anyone unfamiliar, Ramsgill is near Lofthose in Nidderdale. One of the two earthquakes measured 2.2, so possibly affected caves in other parts of the Dales.


Is there evidence of earthquakes causing damage in caves in the Dales? I'm an ex earthquake enthusiast, I'm not doubting their may be damage, just curious!


Well-known member
A lot of what was originally thought to be earthquake damage has more recently been realised to be frost shattering, but loose boulders do occasionally move for no apparent reason. Don't think anyone has been underground during an earthquake that did cause damage though to prove it.


Well-known member
huwg said:
Is there evidence of earthquakes causing damage in caves in the Dales? I'm an ex earthquake enthusiast, I'm not doubting their may be damage, just curious!

Yes, very much so.


Well-known member
There are several examples of large boulders having moved / fallen, found immediately following earthquakes. The one in this photograph is one example, which fell 15 m down the descent line of an entrance pitch just over 2 years ago (and was widely reported, including in Descent). I am aware of at least one caver fatality due to a falling boulder which is very likely to have been loosened by an earthquake a few days beforehand.

Cavers need to take these events seriously.


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