• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

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Dave Nixon interviews added to the Audio Archive


Well-known member
With grateful thanks to Tommy Moore, we have just published three interviews with Dave Nixon on the Audio Archive.

Dave 'Moose' Nixon has been at the centre of many of the significant finds in the Peak Cavern system since the mid-1980's, with his explorations including the White River Series, the extensions to James Hall Over Engine Mine, and Titan. We have him and his colleagues to thank for facilitating some of the finest caving trips in the country.

1. Getting Started
2. Explorations in the Peak Cavern System
3. Titan: The Surface Connection



Well-known member
There must have been a pent up demand, as these three interviews have proved to be the most popular ever over the first couple of days. It demonstrates how highly regarded Moose is by his fellow cavers.

I'm surprised that Jason Mallinson's account of his exploration in the Pozo Azul hasn't proved to be more popular. It's pretty awesome, and one of the best in the archive. It really is worth finding 25 minutes to listen to it.


Active member
I also listened on Andy's Youtube channel, they were captivating!

Thanks to Moose for sparing an evening for this.



Well-known member
He's still at it (digging that is), I'm sure he'd agree that anyone who wants can join him on a dig (and would be encouraged).

I would have helped this weekend but I would have let down my regular digging team :( hard choices.