• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Digging in Stoney Middleton Dale


New member
Anyone digging up at the top end of the dale?

Driving down this afternoon, I noticed a newly built small drystone wall, and "digging spoil" on the north side of the dale, right at the top where it opens out onto the moor. :shrug:

Also in Stoney, is all the water pouring down Coombs Dale, and regularly flooding the A623 simply a burst main that's taking a while to fix, or is water resurging further up the dale, and using the road as the path of least resistance?
spikey said:
Anyone digging up at the top end of the dale?

Driving down this afternoon, I noticed a newly built small drystone wall, and "digging spoil" on the north side of the dale, right at the top where it opens out onto the moor. :shrug:

Yer, i believe John Beck and Mark are the creators of that wall. Not sure what they're up to though.

spikey said:
Also in Stoney, is all the water pouring down Coombs Dale, and regularly flooding the A623 simply a burst main that's taking a while to fix, or is water resurging further up the dale, and using the road as the path of least resistance?

This has happened for at least the last 4 year's winters. Its from multi-resurgences up the dale.
Google found this... http://friendsofstoneymiddletonschool.org.uk/forums/3/28.html?PHPSESSID=dfe21fe49419bcffe54b27a321032b1a
It's unfortunate they can't just pay some cavers to go and fully dig/explore this area to give them a sound hydrological map so that they can battle the beast.
spikey said:
Anyone digging up at the top end of the dale?

Yep thats us

We are digging down through boulders in a natural joint, its fairly hard going, but lies over the presumed route of Waterfall Swallet water?

Give us a chuck if you are interested,

spikey said:
Also in Stoney, is all the water pouring down Coombs Dale, and regularly flooding the A623 simply a burst main that's taking a while to fix, or is water resurging further up the dale, and using the road as the path of least resistance?

The main water flow is from Sallet Hole mine but water was once seen  emerging from boulders on the left of Coombs dale at road level (just beyond the rubbish tip)

Also we were in Fatigue pot a few years ago, before the water was flowing on surface, and a big stream could be heard beyond the tight dig at the end of the phreatic tube ( could be a good one for you and katie to look at Rob?)
Funny you should mention that, i was talking about Fatigue with my mate yesterday, after our White River dig ended :wall:

We went a few years ago to have a look, only ended up having a lovely walk through all the bramble bushes instead as we had no idea where it was!
Got through the calcite choke at the end of Deep Thought to enter a 4m long calcite grotto with absolutely no way on.

At least it's been crossed off...
Yes, you got to the calcite choke which we were pursuading to get bigger. It got big enough for me to just fit through (hats off to anybody else who can fit, i'm not sure i will again for a while due to the swelling!) That went through a few "S" bends around big stal bosses into this grotto.
Wires crossed I think.

I was asking Mark if he'd progressed any further down at the stoney Dale Head dig since me and alfred helped him with a troublesome boulder.
Arrr, ok. Wasn't sure! I know Mark Brown went up there (Deep Thought) with a mate a few weeks back for a look so I put 2 and 2 together. Obviously i got 5!
SamT said:
Have you progressed any further than when I was last there Mark.

Yes, we cleared all the debris out, and got a bit further down, we are going to put some scaffold in tomorrow as its getting a bit hairy, I heard there was a scary moment in Waterways recently, so it made us think
Hi, Whats the latest update on John & Marks dig at the head of Middleton Dale?  I spent many happy hours during the 60's trying to find a way into the Waterfall - Carleswalk "master cave". The one thing I'm now certain of, is that we were looking in the wrong places, but it was fun all the same.
I hear things are progressing - and a good draught has been detected now that the weather has warmed up.
spikey said:
Driving down the dale last week, and was reminded of this digthings going? Much progress?

Not a lot to report, been really busy with work, spent quite a long stabilising hanging death boulders, we are now into something a bit more solid, (bigger boulders) with some quite large cavities, need to spend some time breaking rocks, will let you know when owt happens
Anyone interested in giving us a chuck with this dig, Ive got a lot of work on at the moment and john would like to crack on a bit with it, it needs some major scaffolding at the bottom,

Weve got loads of scaff and clips , a good battery drill would be handy or a genny and drill, we need to fix some scaffold rings to the walls.

Evenings or weekends

At the risk of resurrecting long-dead threads, did much happen in this dig?

I notice there's a nice, neat cap on it now.
Theres an article in Descent 206 regarding the dig in Linen Dale "Tidying up Line Dale". The diggers talked about supporting the massive blocks at the bottom of the dig, but heavy steelwork would be needed and no one has come up with a plan that fits the bill. 