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Eldon Hole - Snow reports!


New member
robjones said:
a tiny ephemeral corrie glacier may have subsisted there as late as 1810", and Moran states it is "the most likely spot in Britain for glacier regeneration" but pessimistically states that if present warming trends continue "Scotland's mountain winter would be but a fond memory in a hundred years' time".
Global warming all those years ago, there we were claiming it was a modern ideal.

I recall reading something, somewhere, that a small drop in temperature would result in year round snow/ice in the Cairngorms (at probably the above cited example). Personally I've had more problems getting to a cave due to snow than actually in it...


New member
robjones said:
All well known to ronofcam through academic articles  :sneaky:, I'm sure, but Moran's popular account may be of interest to cavers who go hill walking.
Ha! Busted. Yes, the more astute amongst you may have gathered that I write about snow for the Royal Meterololgical Society every year (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/wea.1918/abstract)

robjones said:
Moran does have gentle dig at researchers such as ronofcam: "The few dirty patches of near-perennial snow have roused a volume of research and emotion out of all proportion to their extent or scenic significance."  ::)
Moran gets a couple of facts wrong in his otherwise excellent book! I've been observing snow seriously now for a number of years in Britian, and let me tell you there's nothing out of proportion about the subject. It's both fascinating and a great way to see the countryside of Britain.

Any updates on Eldon Hole? Can members on here cast their nets and find out if there's any left? I'd be very, very grateful.


New member
Hey Cam,
Whether or not my reply is of use to you I don't know, but a year or so ago  I had a trip into Eldon Hole with Lincoln Caving Club.  I'll never forget it as I was asked if I would like to rig it.  My 'Mentors' obviously thought I was worthy and had taught me well.  I jumped at the chance, thinking I was finally a useful member of the team!
With hindsight, It was a beautiful, almost summer like day and my more experienced friends (who have been down Eldon umpteen times over the years)
seemed quite relaxed with my steady (ok, slow!) rigging.
Experience has now taught me that the most experienced member of the team gets to go first and keeps warm!! One way or another!
Cave in winter the boss goes first, Cave in summer the boss either lets you have a go or fucks off paragliding if its not very windy!
Suppose it's just pecking order at the end of the day!

You know what, You could do worse things in life than learn how to cave mate.
You can get in touch with any caving club and they would help you.  You could then get down Eldon or any cave of your choice and see for yourself buddy~!

You sound like an outdoory type to me, Why not learn the skills you need to know in order to answer your own questions??

You be in for a real treat here, trust me!!




Well-known member
I few of the shake holes on Ingleborugh last weekend still had sizeable snow plugs at the bottom of the pitches.


Active member
jonnyrocketboots said:
You could do worse things in life than learn how to cave mate.

When I started, there was no learning involved, you just went out and did it !!.


New member
Well, me too bogs really. Every sport Ive got myself involved in has been pretty much self taught including boxing and full contact kick boxing. Now this was a steep learning curve! Its still learning tho, albeit the hard way!!



Peter Burgess said:
But how much snow is left in the 'ole?

Judging by how much there was a few weeks ago, still quite a lot I would assume.

I first went down Eldon Hole in the 80's in either June or July after a snowy winter and there was plenty of snow remaining then.


Well-known member
Down Lloyd's shaft, up the lost streamway via Windle and Rush mine, then out of Coalpithole. Wishful thinking...?  ::)


New member

Anyone know trips down of late? With most of the snow in England and Wales now gone, it'd be great to get a confirmation.



New member
Was in Eldon hole last night,  small amount of snow left but the entrance is clear

Hand line in Damocles Rift failed on us and is now coiled at the bottom of the climb, only bruises resulted from the failure, the in situ rope up to Damocles Rift is fine and in good order.


New member
dalepgray said:
Was in Eldon hole last night,  small amount of snow left but the entrance is clear
Fascinating, Dale. When you say small, how small do you mean? Can you give rough idea of size. Quite possibly it's the last snow in England. There may yet be a bit on the Cheviot, but I'll have confirmation of that over the weekend.

Great news!


New member
dalepgray said:
Was in Eldon hole last night,  small amount of snow left but the entrance is clear
Also... any photographs?

If so, I'd be grateful if you could forward one or two to me at iainjamescameron@hotmail.com



Well-known member
Joe Brown in his autobiography reported 6 of them going hand over hand, on a series of ropes tied together, down & up Eldon Hole, probably in the late 1940s, but being prevented from going any further by the snow plug.
