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FSUE General Assembly Meeting (GAM) on 14th of August


Well-known member
[Quote author=Olivier Vidal]

To : All Deleg. & Vice Deleg. FSUE
And as observers to all others
Federations Europe (Email)
Cc (Email) : Federations Memb(e)r(e)s FSUE

Dear Caving Friends,

You will find here attached the convocation to the FSUE General Assembly Meeting (GAM) on next 14th of August during the Baltic Speleological Congress - EuroSpeleo Forum 2007 (BSC) in Sweden. According to the statutes you're receiving it 90 days before the meeting and all delegates and vice-delegates will receive a hard paper copy of it from our Treasurer, Jean-Claude Thies. This hard copy will not include the Kalamos GAM report (you already received it few months ago and the digital format is on <http://fsue.org/main3/papers/gam/fsue_gam_23aug2005en.pdf>http://fsue.org/main3/papers/gam/fsue_gam_23aug2005en.pdf ) and neither the statutes and internal regulations (IR), that are here only as information since they are available on our website. Although the access to the GAM is free and open to all European cavers (as observers only for non-delegates) we invite you to register quickly before the 15th of May to the BSC on <http://www.speleo.se/bsc>www.speleo.se/bsc in order to get the cheapest fares.

For the English translation of the FSUE Statutes & IR, we have done a deep work in order to make coincide the new English version with the French original. And we would like here to warmly thank Tim Stratford and Melanie Alspaugh for their great help of correction. Both language versions are presented in parallel in order to easily check their equivalence. Nevertheless, if, despite this deep work, you still notice any difference between both versions, please let us know.

As you know within a week there will be a Public Meeting where all European cavers are warmly invited during the German congress on the 20th of May (info on <http://fsue.ffspeleo.fr/main4/agenda-2007.html#2007-05-17>http://fsue.ffspeleo.fr/main4/agenda-2007.html#2007-05-17 ). The whole FSUE Bureau will be happy to see you there to discuss some important points with you. There will also be a Public meeting to present next European Vercors 2008 during the French congress in Poligny on the 26th of May (see <http://congres2007.ffspeleo.fr/>http://congres2007.ffspeleo.fr/ ).

Countries asking for reduced FSUE membership fare for this year or the previous year (2005-2006) have to send their written request before mid-july.

If after reading the convocation, you have any remarks or suggestions about the GAM organisation or Agenda, please let us know,
See you soon in Germany, France or Sweden,
Best Speleological Regards,

Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSUE
+33 / 6 81 61 16 70

Email : <>contact@eurospeleo.org
Website FSUE : <>www.fsue.org
Forums : <>http://fsue.org/forums/
Website Vercors 2008 : <>http://www.vercors2008.eu
1° Circula(i)r(e) : <>http://www.vercors2008.eu/presentation.htm#circulars

You can register now for the European Caving Congress :
Vous pouvez vous inscrire maintenant au Congres Européen :


Well-known member
FSUE'mail - www.fsue.org - n°11 - Jun-July 2007
This edition from the European Speleological Federation is available online on / Cette édition de la Fédération Spéléologique Européenne est disponible en ligne sur: http://fsue.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=314#p314
Thank you to send it to all your clubs of your federation / Merci de le diffuser à tous les clubs de votre fédération.

Dear Caving Friends / Chers Amis Speleo,

Summertime has come and the time for camps and expeditions too ! This message to give you some lastest news before our General Assembly meeting (GAM) on next 14th of August in Visby-Sweden during the Baltic Speleological Congress (BSC) "EuroSpeleo Forum 2007". I've been told that it's a fantastic kartic island, very charmful and a middleage atmosphere ... It is still time to register on http://www.speleo.se/bsc/ , and please note that the participation to the GAM and FSUE public meeting on the day before are completly free of access for European cavers.


You'll find here ( http://fsue.org/main3/papers/gam/gam2007/AgendaGAM-AG-FSUE2007-11.pdf ) the updated agenda for the GAM, where 4 topics indicated by (*) were added during last Bureau meeting in the points 9 and 10. The most important added topic is of course the compulsary change of headquarters from Brussels for the FSUE. As a matter of fact the European Commission (EC) informed us recently that we have to register outside of the EC in a member-state. So we'll need to have a debate to decide if we keep our headquarters in Belgium (Namur for exemple), or if we move to other places, like Luxembourg where we have our postal box and bank account, Lyon where we have our archives and internet website, Madrid from where we add several invitations before, or another member-state. Of course your remarks on this issue are welcome. You can see previous remarks and give yours on :


The other important point is the FSUE delegates representation in Sweden. Please inform us asap if you will be present at the GAM or who will represent you. If you need a proxy form to be represented, you can find it on :


You can scan it and send it back by email to <mailto:contact@eurospeleo.org>contact@eurospeleo.org

* Baltic Speleological Congress (BSC) "EuroSpeleo Forum 2007", avec AG, Débat Publique et Stand FSUE&Vercors 2008, more info on: http://www.speleo.se/bsc/
* 11th European Bat Night (All over Europe on 25-26 August) & British Bat Conference 2007 in Yorkshire end of August. See: http://fsue.ffspeleo.fr/main4/agenda-2007.html#2007-08-25
* 12th Swiss Speleological Congress on 15-17 Sept in the Vallée de Joux where there will be FSUE&Vercors2008 stand and Public meeting. Information & Registration on: http://congres2007.speleo.ch/
* Hidden Earth 2007, the famous British meeting, on 21-23 Sept in the West Middlands also with a FSUE&Vercors2008 stand and Public meeting. More info on: http://www.hidden-earth.org.uk/
* and thanks to our European webwaster BTH, you can now find more than 75 events on the European FSUE Agenda on: http://fsue.org/main4/agenda-2007.html
If you want to publish new events for 2007, 2008 or 2009 please send us the details at: contact@eurospeleo.org

Despite our disapointment not to be anymore able to be hosted at the EC in Brussels, here are some fresh news from the EU :
A 2-days training about the European financial aids for sports activities have been held in Paris end of May, organised by the CNOSF (French Olympic Comitee). We were present there and if you intend to make a financial request to the EC we can now help you better and advise you on the mounting of your file. The whole information is on: http://fsue.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=310#p310

As you know, the FSUE Bureau have participated to several meetings in Brussels about the White paper on Sports prepared by the Sport Unit of the European Commission. We want to announce you that the European Commission adopted the White Paper on Sport on the 11th of July. All details on: http://fsue.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=311#p311

A Roumanian and Swiss expedition including cavers from Hungary, Norway, UK, France, Austria and Portugal is going to organise end of July the second European survey camp in Tabara Humpleu to remap the 2nd largest Roumanian cave. They have received the EuroSpeleo Projects label. All the details are on: http://fsue.ffspeleo.fr/main6/eurospeleo-projects.html#esp-4

During next Public meeting in Sweden on 13th of August at 16h30, there will be a presentation/debate by the German Federation representives about "Cave Tourism". As a matter of fact, together with the Swiss and Austrian federations, the VdHK has established standards for "Cave Trekkings" and "Show Caves", and it would be interesting to see how it can be usefull for other European countries, and decide if the FSUE needs to have an official position on this topic. The work on it could be included inside the workgroup "Caves Protection" and "European Regulations". In order to open the debate the reference texts are available in English, German and French on : http://fsue.org/main6/projects/cavetourism/

You can post you remarks on the forum on http://fsue.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=312#p312 or send them to: contact@eurospeleo.org , and if you are interested to participate to this work, even if you can not attend the public debate please let us know also by email.

About the EuroSpeleo newsletter you also access to the articles of the digital version of it on :
http://fsue.ffspeleo.fr/main3/papers.html#section4 , and by scrolling down up to the bottom, you'll discover the latest articles.

We wish you nice expeditions and "premiere" during this summer, if you wish you can send us your results on contact@eurospeleo.org to be published in our EuroSpeleo newsletter, See you in Visby,

For the Bureau FSUE,
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSUE
+33 / 6 81 61 16 70

Email : <>contact@eurospeleo.org
Website : <>www.fsue.org
Forums : <>http://fsue.org/forums/
European Congress : <>http://vercors2008.eu

cap n chris

Well-known member
The cave trekking comments would no doubt raise massive objections in the UK - i.e. comments such as "the rising interest in cave trekking..... needs regulations". Also, the definition of CT seems to cover club/sport trips and the final requirement that "all participants must be insured" would seem to rule out "maverick" non-insured individuals etc.. Mind you, as a discussion document it's got to say something to get the ball rolling, I suppose.


New member

You may not be aware but in parts of Europe "cave trekking" under various names is much bigger business than anything that you've seen in the UK. It has been a serious problem in parts of Belgium at least since the early '90s, when large organised trips from abroad (mainly the Netherlands IIRC) were causing serious access issues in some places.

Peter Burgess

New member
It started in a place called Hamlin, with some guy playing the pipes. Sorry, yes I know this is meant to be a serious topic.  :-[


cap n chris

Well-known member
graham said:

You may not be aware but in parts of Europe "cave trekking" under various names is much bigger business than anything that you've seen in the UK. It has been a serious problem in parts of Belgium at least since the early '90s, when large organised trips from abroad (mainly the Netherlands IIRC) were causing serious access issues in some places.

Thanks, Graham, for this info - you're right, it is something I was previously unaware of. Ta.