Well-known member
[Quote author=Olivier Vidal]
To : All Deleg. & Vice Deleg. FSUE
And as observers to all others
Federations Europe (Email)
Cc (Email) : Federations Memb(e)r(e)s FSUE
Dear Caving Friends,
You will find here attached the convocation to the FSUE General Assembly Meeting (GAM) on next 14th of August during the Baltic Speleological Congress - EuroSpeleo Forum 2007 (BSC) in Sweden. According to the statutes you're receiving it 90 days before the meeting and all delegates and vice-delegates will receive a hard paper copy of it from our Treasurer, Jean-Claude Thies. This hard copy will not include the Kalamos GAM report (you already received it few months ago and the digital format is on <> ) and neither the statutes and internal regulations (IR), that are here only as information since they are available on our website. Although the access to the GAM is free and open to all European cavers (as observers only for non-delegates) we invite you to register quickly before the 15th of May to the BSC on <> in order to get the cheapest fares.
For the English translation of the FSUE Statutes & IR, we have done a deep work in order to make coincide the new English version with the French original. And we would like here to warmly thank Tim Stratford and Melanie Alspaugh for their great help of correction. Both language versions are presented in parallel in order to easily check their equivalence. Nevertheless, if, despite this deep work, you still notice any difference between both versions, please let us know.
As you know within a week there will be a Public Meeting where all European cavers are warmly invited during the German congress on the 20th of May (info on <> ). The whole FSUE Bureau will be happy to see you there to discuss some important points with you. There will also be a Public meeting to present next European Vercors 2008 during the French congress in Poligny on the 26th of May (see <> ).
Countries asking for reduced FSUE membership fare for this year or the previous year (2005-2006) have to send their written request before mid-july.
If after reading the convocation, you have any remarks or suggestions about the GAM organisation or Agenda, please let us know,
See you soon in Germany, France or Sweden,
Best Speleological Regards,
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSUE
+33 / 6 81 61 16 70
Email : <>
Website FSUE : <>
Forums : <>
Website Vercors 2008 : <>
1° Circula(i)r(e) : <>
You can register now for the European Caving Congress :
Vous pouvez vous inscrire maintenant au Congres Européen :
To : All Deleg. & Vice Deleg. FSUE
And as observers to all others
Federations Europe (Email)
Cc (Email) : Federations Memb(e)r(e)s FSUE
Dear Caving Friends,
You will find here attached the convocation to the FSUE General Assembly Meeting (GAM) on next 14th of August during the Baltic Speleological Congress - EuroSpeleo Forum 2007 (BSC) in Sweden. According to the statutes you're receiving it 90 days before the meeting and all delegates and vice-delegates will receive a hard paper copy of it from our Treasurer, Jean-Claude Thies. This hard copy will not include the Kalamos GAM report (you already received it few months ago and the digital format is on <> ) and neither the statutes and internal regulations (IR), that are here only as information since they are available on our website. Although the access to the GAM is free and open to all European cavers (as observers only for non-delegates) we invite you to register quickly before the 15th of May to the BSC on <> in order to get the cheapest fares.
For the English translation of the FSUE Statutes & IR, we have done a deep work in order to make coincide the new English version with the French original. And we would like here to warmly thank Tim Stratford and Melanie Alspaugh for their great help of correction. Both language versions are presented in parallel in order to easily check their equivalence. Nevertheless, if, despite this deep work, you still notice any difference between both versions, please let us know.
As you know within a week there will be a Public Meeting where all European cavers are warmly invited during the German congress on the 20th of May (info on <> ). The whole FSUE Bureau will be happy to see you there to discuss some important points with you. There will also be a Public meeting to present next European Vercors 2008 during the French congress in Poligny on the 26th of May (see <> ).
Countries asking for reduced FSUE membership fare for this year or the previous year (2005-2006) have to send their written request before mid-july.
If after reading the convocation, you have any remarks or suggestions about the GAM organisation or Agenda, please let us know,
See you soon in Germany, France or Sweden,
Best Speleological Regards,
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSUE
+33 / 6 81 61 16 70
Email : <>
Website FSUE : <>
Forums : <>
Website Vercors 2008 : <>
1° Circula(i)r(e) : <>
You can register now for the European Caving Congress :
Vous pouvez vous inscrire maintenant au Congres Européen :